
Specify the Momskod normally used for the Huvudbokskonto.

This VAT code is suggested whenever a Verifikation is entered for this general ledger account. The Momskod determines the type of VAT and the Momssatser to apply to the voucher.

Anm: If the Ignore VAT code field is selected for the Verifikationstyp used in posting the voucher, no suggestion for the VAT code will be made, even if one is defined for the account. In the Verifikationstyp table supplied with the standard table structure, this only applies to the balance and foreign currency balance Verifikationstyp (types 29 and 30). These Verifikationstyp are used for entering opening balances.

If you imported the standard table structure during setup, the most common Momskod will have been entered in this table.

Anm: The Momskod must correspond with the account's Omsättn-klass, otherwise there will be a difference in the VAT statement.

A Huvudbokskonto which is taxable (i.e. turnover class 1 or 4), MUST have a Momskod which calculates received or paid VAT respectively. The VAT class determines which accounts are added up in the total taxable purchases and sales for the VAT statement. These figures will not agree with the automatically posted taxes if vouchers have been posted with a Momskod that does NOT correspond to the VAT class.

Anm: Om du dubbelklickar eller trycker på * i den här kolumnen kan du slå upp ett värde i den relaterade tabellen.
Egenskap Värde Beskrivning
Visas som standard Ja Det här fältet visas som standard i tabellvyn.
Domän Momskod Heltal
SQL-namn TxCd Databasfältets namn.
Nummer 1486  
Tabell 1. Tabellrelationer
Till tabell Identifierare Från kolumn Till kolumn Kommentar
Momskod TaxCode
  • Momskod

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