Special instructions for factoring

This section describes special instructions for factoring.

You can run the Factoring processing to create the files that you send to factoring companies.

You must fill in values in the following fields in these tables:
Factoring company and CID-def
You must create a factoring company and fill in the following Factoringselskap - felt:
  • Select the Factoringselskap check box in the Fact.behandl. field
  • Navn
  • Importfil
  • Factoringfil
  • Factoring ID
  • KID factoring-sifre
  • KID kunde/lev.-sifre
  • KID ref.nr-sifre
  • Factoring KID-def.
  • Factoringkunde
You must update the following Bedriftsopplysninger - felt:
  • Std. factoringselskap/KID-kode def.

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