Update data

The Updates, Updated batches, Updated vouchers and Updated cross references tables combine to present the history of batch and voucher processing during the update process.

If you discover errors or differences in the accounts, or if the posting errors account contains an unexplained balance, you will need to look through these tables.

Regardless of the number of batches updated, each update will only produce a single row in the Updates table. This provides you with a summary of the statistical data relating to the update, and you should check it after each update to make sure there have been no errors or differences in the batch. Each update is given a unique voucher journal number, which is also used by the transaction and open entry tables for all rows generated during the same update.

From the Updates table you can join the Updated batches table as a page element by selecting the Design/Add/Join menu item. With a voucher journal number highlighted in the Updates table, the joined page element displays the batches included in the same update. It is also possible to join the Updated vouchers table as a page element of the Updated batches table, to show which vouchers are included in the highlighted updated batch.

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