Converting a quotation order to an order/invoice

The procedure describes how to convert a quotation order to an order/invoice when a customer has accepted the quotation.


  1. Open the Ordre table.
  2. Select the Quotation order that you want to convert into an order.
  3. Move the cursor to the Ordretype field. The field has value 5 - Tilbud/Forespørsel. You must change the value in the field. To select which order type you want to convert the quotation into, double-click in the field or press * to display a list of available order types.
  4. Select the order type that you want to use, 1 - Normalordre or 2 - Direkteordre, and click OK. Make any other necessary changes in the fields on screen. When you change the order type from quotation to something else Visma Business changes the order date to the current date.
  5. When you have completed all the fields that you want to change, select Hjem > Lagring > Lagre (Ctrl+S) in the menu bar or press Ctrl+S to save the order.

Neste oppgave

You can now continue to process the order using one of the options under Processing in the menu bar, print any order documents or enter a new order. If you double click in the Order status field under the Processing item in the menu bar, you will see which actions and printouts the order has been included in and which it is ready for.

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