Handling appointments

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You can enter appointments directly into the Appointments table. Here you create follow-up appointments for the campaign.

Response type for appointments

If you enter values in the Agr. proc., No. of activity, Minimum qty., Finished and Product. fields of the Response types table, the values will be transferred to the appointment. The minimum quantity is not transferred if the quantity is greater and previously contained a value. If you change the from/to time of the appointment, the Quantity and Incurred fields are overridden. In the Bedriftsopplysninger table, you can check the box in the CRM processing field that causes the response type to be rechecked if you change the from/to time for the appointment. The Quantity field will then never be lower than the minimum quantity for the response type, while Incurred will be changed on the basis of when the from/to time is entered.

Deleting appointment rows

Merk: When you delete rows in the "Appointments" table that have a som time schedule balance, you will be asked to link to the "Time Schedule Balance" table with the Res.no -> Res.no, Time schedule group no. key. -> Time schedule group no., Time schedule period -> TS from period so that the balance is also updated when the appointment is deleted. This only occurs when the "Res.no", "Time schedule group no.", "TS from period" and "Quantity" or "Incurred" fields are completed for the appointment.

Creating Appointments

You can create an appointment in several ways. You can select Processing/Create Appointment from the menu bar in the Associates or Campaign table, or you can enter an appointment directly into the Appointments table.

Merk: Before you can create an appointment for a person, the person in question must be entered as a user in Visma Business and as a user of the CRM module.

Entering Appointments from Processing/Create Appointment on the menu bar

You can also enter an appointment when you are in the Associates or Campaign table or in a layout in which these tables are included as a page element. The Create appointment dialog box is slightly different depending on whether you open it from the Associates or Campaigns table.

Credit suspension - credit limit for transfer of appointments to order lines

If you have selected "Appointments not included in credit limit" field and have selected blocking of credit limit or credit suspension during entry under "Credit control" in the Bedriftsopplysninger table, the appointment is transferred to order lines. If you have selected a warning for credit limit or credit suspension, you are given a warning when you save the appointment, but you can still continue to transfer the appointment to order lines.

If you have selected blocking of credit limit or credit suspension during entry under "Credit control" in the Bedriftsopplysninger table, you are given a warning when you save the appointment and you are unable to transfer the appointment to order lines. If you have selected "No credit control" under "Appointment processing" in the "Appointments" table, the credit control is cancelled and you can transfer the appointment to order lines.

Credit denied

If you have selected blocking during entry of "Credit suspension" and "Credit limit" under "Credit control" in the Bedriftsopplysninger table, and you enter several rows with the same customer number in the "Appointments" table, a dialog box appears for each row with an accumulation containing all of the rows previously notified.

Merk: Order lines with organisational units transferred from the "Appointments" table are given a flag in the "Dupl. fields 1" and "Dupl. fields 2" fields, which means that the field is manually overridden and is therefore not affected by a selection in the "Reduplicate from order head to order lines when storing" field under "Order processing" in the Bedriftsopplysninger table.

There is an explanation of how to create an order from appointments in the Create order section.

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