Defining colours for the user.
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Colour in active field | In this field, you specify the background colour which the active field should have. The active field means the field in which the cursor is placed when, for example, you want to register new values. The default colour for the active field is pale blue. |
Aggreg. sum colour 1–4+ | In these fields, you can specify colours that will be shown on breaklines. Choosing different colours or shades within a colour for the various break levels will make it much easier to read a report with break lines. The default breakline colour in Visma Business is blue. |
Total line colour | Here, you select the colour you want on the total line. Using this option will make it easier to read reports in which total lines are used. The default total line colour in Visma Business is dark blue. |
Alternative background colour | You can change the background colour to a different colour. This is useful when you are creating windows. |
Colour of the search row | Visma Business adds a blank row at the top of the table when you are searching. You can specify a separate colour for this row so that it is clear when you are in search mode. The picture below shows what it will look like when Visma Business is in search mode. The default colour for the search row in Visma Business is blue. |
Colour for design mode focus | In this field, you can specify the colour of the field pointer when you are in “Design mode”. This makes it easy to see when you are in “Design mode”. If you select yellow as the colour of the “active field” and blue as the colour for “design mode focus”, the field in which the cursor is placed will be blue in “Design mode” and yellow in normal mode. |
Task window colour | In this field you can set the colour of the “Task window”. |
All these fields are lookup fields that lead to a dialog box that contains various colours from which you can choose. The field is a bit value field which shows the bit value of the colour that has been selected. Below you can see the dialog box in which you select the colour. This dialog box is the same as that used in all fields which specify colour.
If you click in the “Define custom colours” field in the dialog box, you can access more colours.