Sletting av ordrer
Ordrer kan bli liggende så lenge du ønsker, før du eventuelt sletter dem. Slettingen gjør du i tabellen Ordre ved å markere en eller flere rader, eventuelt hele tabellen, etter å ha gjort utvalg på ønskede kriterier. Hvis du angrer på slettingen, og du ikke har lagret den ennå, kan du trekke den tilbake ved å lukke vinduet og svare Nei på spørsmålet om lagring.
Credit note
If, for example, you want to issue a credit, you select the Credit note check box in the dialog box for the Order options field in the order head.
Organisational units in order entry
In the Bedriftsopplysninger table you can find Organisational unit fields 1 to 12. Here you can enter, for example, a special project or various departments.
This routine prevents the order from being processed further until a payment has been entered in the accounts or the selection for prepayment has been removed.
Tabellen Bedriftsopplysninger inneholder fire felter for frakt og ett for toll.
Indirect link
You can choose to create an indirect join via the Products table to the Delivery alternatives table. This will cause the supplier's product number and description to be called up in the order entry window. An indirect join means that you can join a page element to all of the underlying tables on an unlimited number of levels. As the order lines contain references to the Products table, you can for example join stock balances to order lines.
Delivery planning
Delivery time is calculated on the basis of the various time fields imported from delivery alternatives for purchase and production orders, and from stock balances for sales, consumed goods, hire and loan orders Various fields are imported, depending on the transaction type.