This chapter describes the standard reports which are predefined in Visma Business. The reports consist of customised windows saved as window layouts. These report lay-outs are contained in the Layout/2 Accounting folder and in the related subfolders for this folder. They meet the most common requirements for accounting reporting. You can use the reports as they are, customise the layouts to meet your requirements or create completely new reports.
The accounting data tables form the basis of all accounting reports. They can be used to generate on-screen and hard-copy reports and as accounting documentation for internal use, for auditors and for presentations. You can combine the tables you need and select the data you wish to display, allowing you to hand pick the information you want each report to include. In Visma Business you can print any window, with or without joined or independent page elements, as a report. You can customise the windows in advance to suit your requirements, or retrieve a layout you saved earlier.
The reports are started by opening a layout as a normal window. You can open one or more report layouts for one or more companies in the same operation. If you do not want to make adaptations or selections in the report, it can be printed immediately by clicking the Print icon.
The difference between a report and a list is that Visma Business contains some special print functions when individual tables are joined or included in the same window.
Account statement
The Associates table is joined to the Customer transactions and Supplier transactions tables. The General ledger accounts table is joined to the General ledger transactions table. The Capital assets table is joined to the Capital asset transactions table.
Reporting currency When printing accounting reports in foreign currency, Visma Business suggests an exchange rate from the "Exchange rates table". If this is blank, Visma Business retrieves values from the "Currency table". Here the exchange rate that is closest to the last date entered in the to period for the period interval in the dialog box is automatically selected. In the dialog box you can select the currency in which you want the report to be presented:
If you have not entered the reporting currency in the fields for EURO and Group currency in the Bedriftsopplysninger table, these buttons are not available in the dialog box. If reporting currency 4 (other currency) is selected, you copy the currency you want to use from a list, using number and name from the "Currency table". If you select reporting currency 1 - 3, the list will be greyed out. The list then shows the number and name of the relevant currency in accordance with the corresponding field in the Bedriftsopplysninger table. If you have selected Other currency when saving the setup, that is the currency that will be suggested.
Currency 2 When you select "Currency 2" in the dialog box for Profit & Loss and balance sheet, all the figures from the "Amount in currency 2" field are retrieved from "Posted amount " from General ledger transactions and debit and credit amounts from budget lines.
Balance lists
The Associates table is joined to the Customer balances and Supplier balances tables. The General ledger accounts table is joined to the General ledger balances table. The Capital assets table is joined to the Capital asset balances table.
Age-distributed balance list
The Associates table is joined to the Customer balances and Supplier balances tables.
Open entry list/Reminder/Interest computation/Payment suggestion:
The Associates table is joined to the Open customer entries and Open supplier entries tables.
PL and balance sheet report:
The General ledger accounts and Report columns tables are included.
Organisational unit reports on the above when:
Respective report choices include one or more organisational units.
You may customise the report, select data or change the sort order of the report before printing, or preview the report on screen to check the content, pagination and layout. The menu items and buttons associated with printing, print preview and page setup for reports are discussed separately.
Printing accounting reports in foreign currency
When accounting reports are printed in foreign currency, the exchange rate is retrieved in the following sequence:
For PL and Balance Sheet reports the "To period" for the realised interval selected applies.