0002 |
System Information et Repertoire des Entreprise et des Etablissements:
0007 |
SE organisationsnummer |
0009 |
0037 |
FI OVT - LY-tunnus |
0060 |
D-U-N-S Number |
0088 |
EAN Location Code |
0096 |
Danish Chamber of Commerce scheme |
0097 |
FTI - Ediforum Italia |
0106 |
Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the Netherlands
Scheme |
0130 |
Directorates of the European Commission |
0135 |
SIA Object Identifiers |
0142 |
SECETI Object Identifiers |
0151 |
Australian Business Number (ABN) Scheme |
0183 |
Swiss Unique Business Identification Number (UIDB) |
0184 |
0190 |
Dutch Originator's Identification Number |
0191 |
Centre of Registers and Information Systems of the Ministry of
Justice |
0192 |
Enhetsregisteret ved Brønnøysundregistrene |
0193 |
UBL.BE party identifier |
0195 |
Singapore UEN identifier |
0196 |
Kennitala - Iceland legal id for individuals and legal entities |
0198 |
0199 |
Global legal entity identifier (GLEIF) |
0200 |
Legal entity code (Lithuania) |
0201 |
Codice Univoco Unità Organizzativa iPA |
0202 |
Indirizzo di Posta Elettronica Certificata |
0204 |
Leitweg-ID |
9901 |
Danish Ministry of the Interior and Health |
9906 |
Ufficio responsabile gestione partite IVA |
9907 |
TAX Authority |
9910 |
Hungary VAT number |
9913 |
Business Registers Network |
9914 |
Österreichische Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer |
9915 |
Österreichisches Verwaltungs bzw. Organisationskennzeichen |
9918 |
S.W.I.F.T |
9919 |
Kennziffer des Unternehmensregisters |
9920 |
Agencia Española de Administración Tributaria |
9922 |
Andorra VAT number |
9923 |
Albania VAT number |
9924 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina VAT number |
9925 |
Belgium VAT number |
9926 |
Bulgaria VAT number |
9927 |
Switzerland VAT number |
9928 |
Cyprus VAT number |
9929 |
Czech Republic VAT number |
9930 |
Germany VAT number |
9931 |
Estonia VAT number |
9932 |
United Kingdom VAT number |
9933 |
Greece VAT number |
9934 |
Croatia VAT number |
9935 |
Ireland VAT number |
9936 |
Liechtenstein VAT number |
9937 |
Lithuania VAT number |
9938 |
Luxemburg VAT number |
9939 |
Latvia VAT number |
9940 |
Monaco VAT number |
9941 |
Montenegro VAT number |
9942 |
Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of VAT number |
9943 |
Malta VAT number |
9944 |
Netherlands VAT number |
9945 |
Poland VAT number |
9946 |
Portugal VAT number |
9947 |
Romania VAT number |
9948 |
Serbia VAT number |
9949 |
Slovenia VAT number |
9950 |
Slovakia VAT number |
9951 |
San Marino VAT number |
9952 |
Turkey VAT number |
9953 |
Holy See (Vatican City State) VAT number |
9955 |
Swedish VAT number |
9956 |
Belgian Crossroad Bank of Enterprises |
9957 |
French VAT number |
9958 |
German Leitweg ID |