Setting up Approval integration

This section will explain the basic steps for setting up Approval integration.



  1. To use the Approval integration, the license product Visma Business Approval integration, is required in Visma Business licence.
  2. Ensure that all general prerequisites are fulfilled. See General prerequisites for more information.
  3. Approval requires an integration between Visma Business and Master Data Management. See Master Data Management for more details.


  1. Activate Approval for companies in Admin | Companies. To activate the service, you must have a licence for Approval.
  2. All users who will either send requests or approve them in Approval must have a user account in Admin. How ever, you only need to assign roles for the approvers.
  3. Set Cost request approver user roles for the approvers in Admin. At least one user must have System Administrator role to be able to set up workflow rules in Approval.
  4. Configure Approval workflow for the document type Cost request in Approval configuration. For more instructions, see help in Approval.

In Visma Business

  1. Start Aktiver processing either from Systemopplysninger or Bedriftsopplysninger table. Click Upload VCG certificate button to make sure that certificate is valid.
  2. To activate Approval integration for companies, run the Aktiver Approval processing in Bedrift table.1
  3. Enabling of Approval will also activate Visma Document Storage. The Visma Document Storage aktivert flag is set in Bedriftsbehandling field in the Bedrift table and will allow uploading order documents to Visma Document Storage.
  4. For approving purchase orders, at least one form with form type 6 - Ordredokument must have Godkjenningsforespørsel selected in the Dok.typer field in the Formular table. This form is used when creating the order document that is visible in Approval.
  5. Setting of approval flow directly in Visma Business is also supported, and may be set up as an alternative to the approval flow resolved by Approval. The Approval flow is generated by a combination of Ansvarlig set on the supplier, the Ansvarlig on organisational units from Ansvarsenhet 1 to Ansvarsenhet 12 and the structure of the Employees in the Aktør table with regards to Attestasjonsbeløpsgrense and Att.ansv. set on each employee, so that this forms a decision matrix constructed from responsible employees, amount limits and organisational hierarchy. The logic will always list the set Ansvarlig (either for org. unit or for supplier) as 1st line approver, without taking into consideration any Attestasjonsbeløpsgrense. Next approval levels will address the Attestasjonsbeløpsgrense though, so that next level approvers will be set according to invoice value. In the Bedriftsopplysninger table you can set the Antall godkjenningssteg to resolve. If you set for instance 2 then both 1st and 2nd line approvers will be set according to the decision matrix describe above. It is also possible to exclude supplier and organisational units from the flow using the settings in Utelat fra godkjenningsflyt in the Bedriftsopplysninger table, so that you only include the items you need to set the correct flow. Based upon these settings, the approval flow will be resolved according to the number of levels and the organisational units / supplier set for the flow calculation, so that all employees found in the decision matrix will be included in the flow.
1 If you wish to disable Approval integration for a company, in Bedrift table deselect Approval aktivert option in Bedriftsbehandling field.

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