Deleting company

Deleting a company.

Før du begynner

Before deleting a company, make sure to delete data uploaded to
Visma Document Storage
To see if there are any files in Visma Document Storage, open Filarkiv table. If Visma Document Storage fil-ID field is filled, file is in Visma Document Storage. To delete the files, run Slett alle filer i Visma Document Storage in Bedrift table.
Merk: It is not possible to see, access or delete the documents from Visma Business, after company database has been deleted.

Om denne oppgaven


Delete a company row


When you delete companies the associated company databases are deleted. Rows in the Bedriftsgruppe-medlem table containing these company numbers are also deleted.
Merk: Depending on the database and database user, the physical database file will also be deleted. REMEMBER BACKUP!

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