Adding contact persons

The procedure describes an example of how you can enter contact persons in the CRM module in Visma Business.

Før du begynner

Before you enter a contact, you should check that the person concerned has not already been entered in Visma Business.

Om denne oppgaven


  1. Open a layout that contains the Information needs page element linked to the Associates table.

    You can group the information needs on the basis of what your company needs most. You can have as many contact persons as you want linked to each associate/customer or supplier.

    These are linked together using the contact person for field, which means that, if an employee changes employer/workplace or similar, only this field needs to be updated and all the history for the contact person is saved.

  2. In the Associates page element you can enter information about the individual contact person.
  3. In the Information needs page element you can enter the associate's information needs.
  4. When you have entered the information you want to include, choose Home/Saving/Save from the menu bar or press Ctrl + S to save the information.

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