Extended information on mapping for Visma.net AutoInvoice

When sending invoices to Visma.net AutoInvoice there is a default set of mapping rules that apply to the output data. While most of these rules must remain static, some are configurable. These are the available mappings for Visma.net AutoInvoice from Visma Business:
  • Default mapping (field to field) from Visma Business
  • Configure additional or alternative mapping with Visma.net AutoInvoice mapping tool
  • Default mapping requiring configuration
  • Overriding other mapping options

Default (field to field) mapping for PEPPOL BIS 3.0

See Visma.net AutoInvoice invoicing PEPPOL BIS. This topic also includes information about alternative mappings.

Configure alternative mapping with Visma.net AutoInvoice mapping tool

See documentation in the "Visma.net AutoInvoice mapping tool" folder and online help.

Default mapping requiring configuration

Some of the fields in the default mapping for Visma UBL may require configuration to work.
Bank information
The output for bank accounts can be done from the Bedriftsopplysninger table or from the Bankforbindelse table, if this is connected to either the Aktør, Valuta or Bedriftsopplysninger. The order in which Visma Business selects bank accounts for output is as follows:
  • Bankforb.nr set on the invoice customer
  • Bankforb.nr set on the currency used on the order
  • Bankforb.nr set in the Bedriftsopplysninger table
  • Bank accounts set in the Bedriftsopplysninger table
Merk: Make sure that invalid Bankforb.nr is not set in either the Valuta table or on the customers in the Aktør table. An invalid value may override the bank accounts intended to be used so that no bank information is exported.
When using factoring, the bank account will be found in the Factoringselskap table. If IBAN and Swift is required, these must be set in the Aktør table on the customer used as Factoringkunde. If bank account is not set in Factoringselskap, Visma Business will look for it in the Aktør table.
EndpointID and PartyIdentification
Endpoint is the address the electronic invoice is delivered too, and the scheme defines what type of value is in the field. By default this value is the Org.nr on the associate, in which case there is no need to define the Endpoint information specifically. In this scenario, Visma Business will use the value in the Org.nr field and add the default scheme for the country set on the associate, for example 0192 for Norwegian organisation no or 0007 for Swedish organisation no. If you need to define something else than the value that’s used as Org.nr in the selected country, Visma Business requires data in both AutoInvoice endepunkt-ID and AutoInvoice endepunkt-skjema to get the correct handling. The help text for AutoInvoice endepunkt-skjema contains a list of all valid scheme codes.
PartyIdentification is a second identifier of the receiver when sending electronic documents. As with EndpointID, the default value for this is the Org.nr field. This will remain the default even if EndpointID is changed. To change PartyIdentification, enter the PartyIdentification value in GLN/GS1 nr.. If GLN/GS1 nr. already contains a value and the default handling for PartyIdentification is to be used, select the option Ikke bruk "GLN/GS1 nr." til PartyIdentification in the Aktørbehandl. field. If GLN/GS1 nr. or Org.nr are not available, Kundenr will be used.
Unit on order line
Units in electronic invoices must be identified by using the UN/CEFACT Recommendation 20 and 21 code lists. The code must be added to the EDI enhet field in the Enhet table to be included in the electronic invoice. If not set, Visma Business will use the default unit ZZ. Visma Business also checks against the lists for validity, so if the code used is not found, it will be replaced by ZZ.
Invoice fee
To get invoice fee correctly set in the electronic invoice, the invoice customer must have a Landnr
Accounting cost
Accounting cost is a string that may contain accounting information given by the customer to the suppliers so that the invoice can be processed and posted automatically when received. From Visma Business this information is sent both with purchase orders and with invoices and is imported as part of processing incoming purchase orders.
To include Accounting cost in purchase orders, configure it in the Bokføringsinformasjon field in the Bedriftsopplysninger table. You may add both text and macros, like with print forms. The latter means that the content will be dynamic based on what is on the order line that is sent (for example a general ledger account fetched from Avgifts- og bokføringsopplysninger based on the Produktnr). When sending a purchase order, the data will automatically be added to the XML file as accounting information on each order line sent.
Merk: You may override the Accounting cost value when sending purchase order by adding a text string manually in the Ordrelinje-tillegg table, one string per order line. If not set, the default function will be used.
When receiving a purchase order, the accounting information is added to the Ordrelinje-tillegg table, in the Bokføringsinformasjon field. When written to the field, the data will be kept there until the order is invoiced, when it will be added to the invoice XML.
Merk: As the Bokføringsinformasjon field is editable, it is also possible to also add or change data directly in it to include on an invoice line.
When the invoice is printed, the Bokføringsinformasjon value is copied to the Ordredokumentlinje-tillegg table, from where it is written to the invoice XML. Note that the Ordredokumentlinje-tillegg table is not editable, so at this point it is too late to change the Bokføringsinformasjon value.
Accounting cost data may also be configured based on the content of the Bokføringsinformasjon field in the Aktør table. This field works in the same way as the field in Bedriftsopplysninger, so a dynamic accounting cost string may be configured. Visma Business will look for content in this field on the invoice customer, but only if it cannot find accounting cost data in the Ordrelinje-tillegg table.
Free text information (Note)
Note is a field on both header and line in the XML document that includes text information to the receiver regarding the document or the specific line. We have functionality both for sending and receiving this type of information, through the tables Ordre-notat and Ordrelinje-notat.
When receiving incoming documents, the Note part of the document is written to Ordre-notat or Ordrelinje-notat, depending on whether it’s from the header or line section of the XML file. The incoming note will be identified by the Inng. dok. type and Ordrenr it is connected to, and Linjenr, if it’s in the Ordrelinje-notat table. When incoming, it will automatically also get a check in Utelat fra sending to avoid the note from being added to outgoing XML files to AutoInvoice. The field is editable, so if the note is supposed to be included when sending, it is possible to override.
On outgoing order documents, whether purchase order, order confirmation, despatch advice or invoice, a new note may be added to the Ordre-notat or Ordrelinje-notat tables. It is possible to add multiple lines of text information, though it will all be written to a single field in the XML document.
When printed, the note is copied to Ordredokument-notat or Ordredokumentlinje-notat. When printed, the Utelat fra sending check is set in the Ordre-notat and Ordrelinje-notat tables, to avoid the note from being re-sent later. As said earlier, this is possible to override by removing the check. The Ordredokument-notat and Ordredokumentlinje-notat tables are not editable, so at this point it is too late to change the note value or exclude it from sending.
Organisational units (Contract and/or Project)
The PEPPOL BIS 3.0 contains two values that can be defined as an organisational unit. These are Contract and Project (used in invoice only). You have to define which organisational unit in Visma Business that is in use for these values. You configure this in the Bedriftsopplysninger fields AutoInvoice kontraktenhet, AutoInvoice kundes kontraktenhet and AutoInvoice prosjektenhet. The reason for having two options for Contract, is that in terms of the PEPPOL BIS documents, the contract is a value given by the customer. As a ordering customer, you may use a different organisational unit for Contract than when you are the supplier. Variations on the Contract term is in use for the formats Product catalogue, Order and Billing (Invoice), and will be processed on receival of Product catalogue and Order, so it is important to have the flow in mind when selecting which field to use for configuration.
When double-clicking in one of these fields, a list of all organisational units will be listed from 1-12. Once one organisational unit is selected, it will be used by Visma Business invoicing an order. The value set in the defined field, will be used to fetch the correct organisational unit value from the associate (when sending product catalogue) or order (when sending order or invoice) when the XML is created and sent. Note that since there are two Contract values possible to define they are used with different priority based on document type. For Product catalogue, AutoInvoice kundes kontraktenhet has first priority, followed by AutoInvoice kontraktenhet. For Order, only AutoInvoice kontraktenhet is in use. For invoicing, the AutoInvoice kundes kontraktenhet has first priority, followed by AutoInvoice kontraktenhet. As already mentioned, AutoInvoice prosjektenhet is only in use on invoices.
Merk: AutoInvoice kundes kontraktenhet and AutoInvoice kontraktenhet are also in use when receiving product catalogue and order, so that if full order exchange flow is set up with contract, this value will be inherited to the sales order when receiving/processing the incoming order.

Overriding other mapping options

Order line memo
When selecting Order line memos in the print dialog, the contents of the order line memo will be added to the invoice as Note. This will replace the default mapping, which is the Ordrelinje-notat table, as described above. It will also override mapping for order line Note done in Visma.net AutoInvoice mapping tool.

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