Price calculation

How product prices are calculated.

As with order entry, the processing starts with rows in the Price and discount matrix that contain the current product number.

Rows without product numbers are then processed. These meet the criteria entered in the Price/discount criteria fields in the Bedriftsopplysninger table. (The customer column in Price/discount criteria is used.) Additional criteria that are relevant to price lists are:

The processing will start by using Customer price group 1 and Customer price group 2, which are retrieved from the customer. If Price from supplier no. is filled in and, if relevant, Sales price addition, the processing will retrieve and calculate sales prices on the basis of purchase prices for the defined supplier, just as when looking up in the Price and discount matrix during order entry. If you want to print a price list for such criteria, you can select a customer for whom these criteria are satisfied.

By defining selection criteria for price rows, you can also limit which price rows are processed. You can also save these selection criteria together with the layout.

The price list can contain several rows for each product, with specification of joint combinations of order number and order price group, warehouse number and shipment number, employee number, employee price group and wage rate number, supplier number, structure product number, unit, minimum quantity, minimum amount, quantity in base unit, net weight, length, area and volume.

For each combination the most favourable conditions are selected. However, a more favourable price or discount will not be selected if this is selected in the Fixed prices/discounts field in the Price and discount matrix table.

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