TaxTotal - Summation of VAT related amounts

This section displays sums of all VAT amounts in the invoice, as total and per VAT code.

Anm: If the invoice has a tax currency code, TaxTotal will occur twice, although only one with tax details per VAT code. The second TaxTotal will show the VAT amount in domestic currency.
cbc:TaxAmount (M)
Default mapping: OrderDocument.VatAmountInCurrency

The tax total for the invoice. The amount must be the sum of the TaxAmount for all TaxSubTotal sections.

cac:TaxSubTotal (O)
The rest of the TaxTotal section is within the subsection TaxSubTotal, each representing a VAT code.
cbc:TaxableAmount (M)
Default mapping: sum of OrderDocumentLine.AmountInCurrency per VAT code
cbc:TaxAmount (M)
Default mapping: sum of OrderDocumentLine.VATAmountInCurrency per VAT code
cac:TaxCategory (M)
cbc:ID (M)
Default mapping: Hardcoded

Alternative mapping: TaxCode.VatRateType

TaxCategory is presented as a single letter. There are three values used by Visma Business: S (standard rate), E (Exempt) and Z (Zero). When using the default functionality, only S and E are in use, but S may occur multiple times, as all VAT rates higher than 0 are identified with this category.

If VAT rate type has been defined in the VAT code table, it is also possible to differentiate between E and Z. Note that all other settings in VAT rate type will be shown as S in the invoice.

cbc:Percent (O)
Default mapping: OrderDocumentLine.VatRate

Each VAT percentage found in the line level will be represented with a separate TaxSubTotal. If defined in VAT rate type, E and Z will also have separate sections, even though the rate is the same.

cbc:TaxExemptionReason (O)
Default mapping: Hardcoded based on OrderDocument.TradeArea
cac:TaxScheme (M)
cbc:ID (M)
Default mapping: Hardcoded as “VAT”

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