LegalMonetaryTotal - Invoice total amounts

This section includes the invoice amount and all sums of header and line amounts.

Anm: Line level AllowanceCharge amounts are included in LineExtensionAmount and not shown separately.
cbc:LineExtensionAmount (M)
Default mapping: Sum of OrderDocumentLine.NetAmountInCurrency

This is the sum of the order line net amounts

cbc:TaxExclusiveAmount (M)
Default mapping: OrderDocument.OrderSumGrossInCurrency-VatAmountInCurrency-RoundingInCurrency

The net invoice amount.

cbc:TaxInclusiveAmount (M)
Default mapping: OrderDocument.OrderSumGrossInCurrency-RoundingInCurrency

The invoice amount including taxes, but not including rounding.

cbc:AllowanceTotalAmount (O)
Default mapping: Sum of allowances in header AllowanceCharge section
cbc:ChargeTotalAmount (O)
Default mapping: Sum of charges in header AllowanceCharge section
cbc:PrePaidAmount (O)
Default mapping: Not mapped
cbc:PayableRoundingAmount (O)
Default mapping: OrderDocument.RoundingInCurrency
cbc:PayableAmount (M)
Default mapping: OrderDocument.OrderSumGrossInCurrency

This is the amount the invoice receiver is expected to pay.

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