Skicka B2C avtalsförslag till AutoInvoice

Skapa "B2C" avtal innan faktura skickas.

Innan du börjar

To be able to run the processing successfully, the following prerequisites must be in place:
  • The company must have signed a B2C vendor agreement in AutoInvoice.
  • The customer must be identified as consumer, either by checking the Kundpref. flag Privatperson or setting an AutoInvoice operatörnr. identified as used for B2C invoicing.
  • The EAN field must be empty.
  • Customer must have email (either E-postadress or AutoInvoice e-mailadress) or phone no (Telefonnr or Mobiltelefon) registered.

Den här uppgiften

The processing is used when you want to send a B2C agreement suggestion prior to sending an invoice through AutoInvoice.


  1. Placera markören på raden eller raderna i tabellen aktör som du vill behandla.
  2. I kategorin Hem, i gruppen Behandling, klicka på knappen Skicka B2C avtalsförslag till AutoInvoice.


When run, the processing will look through the selected customers in the Aktör table and find all customers that match the prerequisites. These are sent to AutoInvoice and forwarded to the B2C provider. The customer will be notified by either email or mobile phone, depending the contact information available on the associate.

If the customer does not reject the agreement (which may happen automatically if no response is given), you may run Kontrollera AutoInvoice-post to download the B2C reference to the EAN field (the reference no will be identical to the Customer no).

Anm: If the reference no is not present in the EAN field, a new agreement suggestion is created the next time an invoice is sent to the customer.

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