Skapa tidsaldo

Skapar tidsaldon.

Innan du börjar

To be able to run this processing you must first create time schedule groups in the Tidgrupp table, and then generate a time schedule calendar for the group in the Tidkalender table.


  1. Placera markören på raden eller raderna i tabellen aktör som du vill behandla.
  2. I kategorin Hem, i gruppen Behandling, klicka på knappen Skapa tidsaldo.
  3. Ange olika parametrar i parameterdialogrutan Skapa tidsaldo .
    Alternativ Beskrivning
    Tidgrupp You must select a time schedule group from the list. Only time schedule groups that are reserved for employees are displayed.

    The list shows all available time schedule groups for the employee, and you must select one group for the routine to generate anything.

    If no groups are displayed in this dialog box, even if time schedule groups are registered, this is because no time schedule groups are registered for employee in the Tidbehandling field.

    If no time schedule group is selected, no Time schedule balances are generated unless the Use group on employees option is selected. In that case only employees with a time schedule group will be processed.

    Use group on employees If selected, the time schedule group registered on the employee is used instead of the time schedule group selected in the dialog box. Employees that do not have a time schedule group are assigned to the time schedule group that you have selected in the dialog box.

    If not selected, all employees processed will be generated with the selected time schedule group and updated with the selected time schedule group. Which employees being processed is determined by the Use group on employees option.

    Process only employees with selected group If selected, only employees with the selected time schedule group are processed. employees without a time schedule group are ignored.

    if not selected, all employees will be processed. Employees without time schedule group will be updated with the time schedule group selected in the dialog box.

    Booking dates

    From and to date are suggested on the basis of Spärrad År/period in the from date and calendar year in the to date.

    In individual cases when week is the period term the suggestion will lie in both the previous year for the from date and next year for the to date, as week 1 can start in the previous year and week 52/53 can end in the next year.


A Resurs is created with the same number in the Resurs table. If the number is already registered without an, the next free number is assigned. If there is a Resurs with the, this is used and, if necessary, updated with the Tidgrupp nr if this has been changed.

If no time schedule balances are generated, the reason can be that no Tidkalender rows can be found for the date range that you have selected. The routine only takes account of Fridagar rows with the options Anställda or Resurser in the Omfattning field and with a filled in Resursnr field.

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