Orderpref. domain

Ett uppslag öppnar dialogrutan som innehåller följande kryssrutor och alternativ:


This check box is selected on the basis of the customer number/supplier number entered in the order head. See the dialog box for the Kundpref./Lev.pref. field in the Aktör table. If you select this check box, all prices and amounts will include VAT.
A credit note will be issued. See also Credit note
Reservera vid lagring
When saving Visma Business will reserve the quantity that has not already been reserved. The Not reserved field in the order line will then be reset. This check box is selected on the basis of the customer number entered in the order head. See the dialog box for the Kundpref. field in the Aktör table.
Reservera innanför ledtiden
This field shows whether reserve on save should only apply to order lines within the lead time. The selection is greyed out if you have not selected the Reservera vid lagring check box. This does not apply to reservations displayed in the order lines/products or in the Reservationer table. It also applies to selection of the Reservera vid lagring check box under the Processing method/Warehouse menu item. This check box is selected on the basis of the customer number entered in the order head. See the dialog box for the Kundpref. field in the Aktör table.
Acceptera ändringar manuellt
This check box is suggested on the basis of the customer number entered in the order head. See the dialog box for the Kundpref. field in the Aktör table. When you insert new order lines in an order, the Accepterat av oss check box in the dialog box for the Orderradstatus field is selected. This does not happen if you have selected the Acceptera ändringar manuellt check box.
Plocka endast hel order
This check box is used to exempt customers/orders from partial deliveries. When printing pick lists the order will only be included if the whole order can be picked at one time. This check box is selected on the basis of the customer number entered in the order head. See the dialog box for the Kundpref. field in the Aktör table.
Undanta från reduplicering
All of the values in the order lines are retained when you transfer the order lines to an order using the "Transfer" processing.
Flytta Ej bekräftat leveransdatum tidigare
The confirmed delivery date will not be changed for allocated orders which are to be delivered after the confirmed date. Orders with an earlier date get an updated confirmed delivery date with a confirmed date from the purchase production order when the Bekräftat and Sänt processings are used. For loose allocations, future orders will not be reserved if this field has not been selected:
  • Reservera vid bekräftat/sänt under Reservationsbehandling in the Företagsuppgifter table.
  • Reserve against all orders in the dialog box for the Bekräftat and Sänt processings. A check is suggested when Reservera vid bekräftat/sänt in Reservationsbehandling in the Företagsuppgifter table is selected.
You can select Flytta Ej bekräftat leveransdatum tidigare:
  • As standard for all orders under the Beräkning av leveransdatum field in the Företagsuppgifter table.
  • Each individual order in the Kundpref. field in the Aktör table.


The order will be included in a batch invoice. When printing invoices/credit notes, select the check box in the Order documents dialog box to show whether or not Visma Business should process such orders. A more detailed explanation of batch invoice processing can be found under Printing order documents and Invoicing. This check box is selected on the basis of the customer number entered in the order head. See the description for Kundpref..
This check box shows whether you have to re-enter exchange rates from the Valuta table during invoicing. Selection of the check box relates to the exchange rates in the order head and the order lines, for both current currency and cost currency. This check box is selected on the basis of the customer number entered in the order head. See the dialog box for the Kundpref. field in the Aktör table.
Anm: This processing can only be used for sales orders; if you use it for other types of orders it leads to an accounting error. There are no restrictions on using this processing for purchase and production orders.
Ej fakturaavgift
This check box is selected on the basis of the customer number entered in the order head. See the dialog box for the Kundpref. field in the Aktör table. Select this check box to exempt the invoice from any invoice fee. If an order qualifying for an invoice fee is part-delivered, it will be necessary to exempt it from invoice fees. If you part deliver an order that was not to be subject to an invoice fee at the outset, the individual invoices will not be subject to any fees either.
Ej ränta
Ej påminnelseavgift
The reminder fee will be printed in the total row. The reminder fee will not be added to the To pay total on the reminder. The reminder fee will be added to the Giro amount, even if an item is exempt from reminder fees.
Fakturanr från "Märke"
Uses the value in the Märke field as invoice no.
Dra ifrån klientansvar/bank
The customer's client responsible balance/bank account will be debited upon settlement, once any on account entries for the order have been used. You can combine this option with Bokför klientansvar/bank.
Bokför klientansvar/bank
Settlement invoices are posted with the on account amount that is attached when posting, instead of being returned to the account to which it was originally posted on account.
Använd klientansvar 2
The amount is restricted upwards to the outgoing balance of client responsibility 2 for the accounting period within which the order document date falls.
Använd klientansvar 3
The amount is restricted upwards to the outgoing balance of client responsibility 3 for the accounting period within which the order document date falls.
This function prevents the order from being further processed until a payment has been entered in the accounts or until you have removed the credit suspension manually. Advance payment will be retrieved from the customer or supplier if Kundpref. or Lev.pref. has been selected for Förskottsbetalning. The selection will be removed if a payment is posted for the customer/supplier. This is described in the section entitled Prepayment.
Använd ursprunglig växelkurs på kreditfakturor


Skapar OCR-kod
This check box is selected on the basis of the supplier number entered in the order head. See the dialog box for the Lev.pref. field in the Aktör table. Selection of the check box defines whether Visma Business is to include the CID code in the vouchers produced for receipt of invoices.
Kopiera inte från betalas lev.nr
Is used when you perform a run with factoring and a bank account number, etc. is available for each supplier. These values will then be used for the payment and not the values from the Betalas lev.nr.
Egenskap Värde Beskrivning
Nummer 392  
Datatyp Int32  
Domäntyp Flags  

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