
The user will have rights as the system supervisor.

This includes access to edit entries and perform menu items/actions which are particularly risky or which require the highest level of security clearance, for example, access regulation for and overriding other users.

Access regulation requires VUD superusers role from version 13.10.0 when VUD integration is enabled.
  • Without VUD enabled this user can do all access regulations.
  • With VUD enabled this user cannot assign modules or layout groups unless given the VUD superusers in VUD (since modules and layout groups are server roles).

On installation the Systemansvarig is created. this user will be the system supervisor. There must always be at least one user defined as the system supervisor.

Egenskap Värde Beskrivning
Visas som standard Ja Det här fältet visas som standard i tabellvyn.
Domän Boolsk Heltal
Skrivrättighet Administratör Endast administratörer har rätt att ändra värdet i den här kolumnen.
SQL-namn Superv Databasfältets namn.
Nummer 345  

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