
Information about which modules the user has access to.

The flags are in addition to system preferences which form part of the system key and which apply regardless of user. The options are used in installations which are licensed with Users per module (not Concurrent users).

You can insert a check for the modules to which access is enabled through the system key and, if you have a licence for named users, you must insert checks for each user for the modules to which the person in question is to have access.

The following dependencies apply between the options:

Ett uppslag öppnar dialogrutan som innehåller följande kryssrutor och alternativ:
All other boxes in the "Module" dialog box will be cleared, and the user will always be logged off from the previous session if an EDI user is logged on. Counting will be performed in relation to the number of EDI users in the licence file.


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Extern användare
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Tredjeparts lösningar

Dokument Center
OCR Tolk

Visma Business services

Namngiven användare

Utökade rättigheter

Logga in som system
In order to know who did what in the system it is not recommended to use the user "system". Instead you should create a new user in the user table with this option set. In this way you can do all your changes as before, but it will be logged with the user name. Only one user by the time can be logged into Visma Business with system user rights, either by log on as the user "system" or a named user with this option set.
Anm: For some operations the System supervisor flag must be set. This is the same as for the user "system".
Egenskap Värde Beskrivning
Visas som standard Ja Det här fältet visas som standard i tabellvyn.
Domän Moduler Heltal
Skrivrättighet Administratör Endast administratörer har rätt att ändra värdet i den här kolumnen.
SQL-namn AcFl Databasfältets namn.
Nummer 8482  

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