Spärrad År/period

The suspended period of the year.

Used when generating the entries in the Tidkalender table, and when balance appointments are entered. You can also use it to make selections in tables containing time schedule group numbers. The year is displayed with 4 digits, and periods with anything from 1 to 366 (YYYY/PPP). When you enter data, the first three digits are perceived as the period. If you enter /, the entry is perceived as year and the following figures as periods.

Anm: For the first period in the year you only have to enter the year and period 0, and the field will then show (YYYY/).

The year is displayed with 4 digits (YYYY), but you only need to enter the final digit(s) in a year, e.g. the value 12 is interpreted as 2012.

Egenskap Värde Beskrivning
Visas som standard Ja Det här fältet visas som standard i tabellvyn.
Domän År/per. Heltal
SQL-namn SuspYrPr Databasfältets namn.
Nummer 12207  

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