Max flextid

The maximum flextime that can be transferred to the next period.

Any value above this value in the Flextid UB field will go into the Flextidsavkortning field and will be lost in terms of flextime.

An employee has to work 165 hours as normal time for this month and the Max flextid field is set to 100 hours. The Flextid IB from last month is 80 hours. But this employee is actually working 40 hours more than the normal time; in total 205 hours. These additional hours will be added to the flex balance; 80 + 40 hours. But according to the setting in the Max flextid field we cannot have more than 100 hours. Therefore only 100 hours will end up in the Flextid UB and 20 hours will be transferred to the Flextidsavkortning field. The overflow hours are lost in terms of flextime, and might possibly have to be given as overtime.
Anm: If you do not have a value in the Max flextid field, flex overflow considers this as 0, and will cut all hours over and above Normaltid.

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Visas som standard Ja Det här fältet visas som standard i tabellvyn.
Domän Kl Heltal
SQL-namn MaxFl Databasfältets namn.
Nummer 12208  

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