
The number identifying the text. The value depends on the value selected in the Texttyp field.

This field has three different types of number.
Texts with predefined values
Looking up in this field gives you an overview of the numbers that you can select. Examples of such texts are:
Custom values
For these texts you select the number yourself. In the tables where the text is used the program will look up on the numbers you have entered.
Anm: For reminder texts you must enter the reminder number here. The reminder numbers and associated parameters for the various countries are defined in the Påminnelse table.
Custom values linked to table
For these texts this field refers to a value in the linked table, and it is verified that the number exist as primary keys in this table. Examples of such texts are:
E.g. you want to replace the text Special tax in the Total line with the text Environment tax.
  1. Select the text Total line.
  2. Select 2 in the Textnr field.
  3. Enter Environment tax in the Text field.

Egenskap Värde Beskrivning
Visas som standard Ja Det här fältet visas som standard i tabellvyn.
Domän Textnr Heltal
Primärnyckel Ja Språknr, Texttyp, Textnr, Radnr
SQL-namn TxtNo Databasfältets namn.
Nummer 2102  

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