Orderstatus 1

Refers to the information displayed in the dialog box for the Orderstatus processing.

The Orderstatus processing opens a dialog box that displays which processes the active order is ready for or has been through. You can also exempt the order from processing. This dialog box has three tabs: Order status, Miscellaneous and Credit card order.

The Order status tab contains statuses that relate to order documents and the order flow. The dialog box has three columns of check boxes:Ready for, Performed and Excluded, the last of which you can edit. You can, for example, exempt an order from invoicing if it is to be part delivered and you do not want to invoice it until everything has been delivered. The customer requires a packing slip per delivery. There is also a field in the order lines in which you can exempt them from processes and printouts. The Performed check box is selected if something has been processed. If Ready for is clear at the same time, this means that everything has been processed.

The order status optimises printouts and processing by virtue of the fact that Visma Business does not spend time reading through order lines to find orders that will not be included anyway. You can also make selections in the fields via the bit operators in the “Selection” dialog box to limit which orders you want to see. At the same time you help Visma Business not to lock, search or release an unnecessary number of orders.

Visma Business only processes orders for which the Ready for check box has been selected for the relevant process/printout, or which are locked by the process. In the case of a cumulative printout a check is performed to see whether Ready for or Performed has been selected.

The Ready for check box is selected on the basis of the transaction type and order type in the order head, the quantity in the order lines and which modules the installation comprises. This is independent of which access group you belong to. When you try to launch a printout or a process, access restrictions for your access group will also come into force.

Ett uppslag öppnar dialogrutan som innehåller följande kryssrutor och alternativ:


Klar för / utfört / undantas

If an order is not ready for finishing/goods received, then neither is it ready for printouts that arrive earlier. This means quotations, order confirmations and pick lists, or production orders, inquiries, purchase orders and purchase order confirmations
The order status fields Sänt från lev. and Orderbekräftelser are also updated for sales orders and not just purchase orders. This means that you can choose between all the combinations that can occur in a single order. Only stock goods are included as ready for Beställningsbekräftelse and Sänt från lev..

For direct orders the Ready for check box is not deselected for order confirmations or purchase order confirmations. This applies even if the order is not ready for finishing/goods received, as long as it is ready for invoice or invoice received. A purchase order confirmation presupposes that something has been ordered.

Prepayment will be selected when the Order options field for the order is selected in Prepayment. This parameter will prevent you running a pick list and finishing for the order. Only ready for parameters are selected. When prepayment is made, the selection for ready for prepayment will be removed. NOTE: If prepayment is made with only a fraction of the amount, the selection will be removed anyway.
Delivery note is not an order document and can be performed from the Aktör table to which the order lines are joined. All of the orders for each customer are printed and the order lines are approved.

If you want to do this for each order, you can do this from all order documents with the exception of pick list, which does not have an approval dialog box. You must then select "Set delivery message to completed" under the "Options" tab in the "Order documents" dialog box.

When this option is checked, "Order printouts" also has an approval dialog box, because changes have been made to the order.

Sänt från lev.
The order status fields Sänt från lev. and Orderbekräftelser are also updated for sales orders and not just purchase orders. This means that you can choose between all the combinations that can occur in a single order. Only stock goods are included as ready for Beställningsbekräftelse and Sänt från lev..
Strukturrader frisläppta
Slutlig kostnad på produkttransaktioner



Orders that have been transferred to an external application for processing will be blocked. This should be done automatically when data is imported and then imported back into the integration tool.

If you have selected this field, you cannot make changes to orders and order lines. A message appears stating that the order is blocked for processing. If you have not selected this field, the Låst / Överförd memory column in the Order table is automatically selected.

Anm: Visma Business's integration with Visma Retail updates this field when the cash account imports orders into Visma Business for processing. EDI import with rule file has a separate import command to enable or disable this selection. c,Suspended,nn,1,0,,,,,,,,,I, nn is replaced with the position in the file and the values are 0 = deselect and 1 = select.
The order status on the purchase order is set as Låst/överförd and the order is locked from editing when the order's approval status is:
  • 1 - Skickad
  • 2 - Inkommande jobb
  • 3 - Väntar på godkännande
The Låst/överförd flag is released for the order associated with an Godkänningsärende when its status changes to:
  • 4 - Godkänd
  • 5 - Avvisad
  • 6 - Begärd avslutad
  • 7 - Avbruten
  • 8 - Fel
in the course of processing an approval message.

To release the lock while in Approval, use the Avbryt godkännande processing in the Godkänningsärende table.

Anm: If the order is marked as Låst/överförd, the Infoga före (Ctrl+I) and Infoga efter (Shift+Ctrl+I) commands are prevented from running on order line level.
Förkalkylerad produktion
A new calculation will not be done when you have executed the Beräkna produktionsstart / kostnad processing and selected the Precalculation parameter.


Visma XML
Document Center


Order match pågår
If enabled, then the Ordermatch process is in progress on that specific order.
Inom tolerans nivå
If enabled, then at least one order line has the same Ordermatch status.
Utanför tolererad nivå
If enabled, then at least one order line has the same Ordermatch status.
Överskridande kvantitet
If enabled, then the Antal on an invoice is more than what has been finished on the order line.
Ursprungliga värden överskrivna
If enabled, then at least one original Orderrad value has been overridden by a specific invoice value.


Workflow status in Visma.net Approval integration.

1 - Skickad
Request has been send to Visma.net Approval.
2 - Inkommande jobb
Visma.net Approval has received the request, but was not able to solve the workflow. Request needs to be handled forward in Visma.net Approval.
3 - Väntar på godkännande
Visma.net Approval has received the request. It is in a workflow and waiting to be approved or rejected.
4 - Godkänd
Request has been approved in Visma.net Approval.
5 - Avvisad
Request has been rejected in Visma.net Approval.
6 - Begärd avslutad
User has requested cancellation of the approval request.
7 - Avbruten
Request has been cancelled. Cancellation has been confirmed by Visma.net Approval.
Anm: If the request was already approved or rejected in Visma.net Approval, only status in Visma Business is set to 7 - Avbruten. Status is not visible in Visma.net Approval.
8 - Fel
There was an error in request handling. See more details in Kommentar field in Ändringslogg för godkänningsärenden table.


Problem med uppkoppling

Fakturareferens saknas på kortbetalningsordern
The Fakturareferens field in the order head must contain the reference that the Payment Service Provider has assigned to this order, and without this reference the payment cannot be executed.
Valuta saknas på kortbetalningsordern eller också saknas ISO-kod på valutan
If there is no currency number for the order or the specified currency has no ISO code in the Valuta table, the transaction cannot be completed.
Faktureras kundnr saknas på kortbetalningsordern
Unless Invoice customer number is completed for the order, the order will not be sent to the Payment Service Provider, as this field is used to determine which credit card is being used.
Kontraktsbelopp, reserverat belopp saknas på kortbetalningsordern
If the contract amount used to store the reserved amount at the Payment Service Provider is not completed, the order is not sent.


Hittar inte program för uppkoppling till korbetalningstjänsten
Selected if the program for the Payment Service Provider cannot be found.
Kan ej koppla upp till kortbetalningstjänsten
Selected if Visma Business cannot connect to the Payment Service Provider.
Användarnamn/lösenord för kortbetalningstjänsten saknas
Selected if no Användarnamn kortbetalning or Lösenord kortbetalning is registered for the Payment Service Provider in the Företagsuppgifter table.

Kontroll av importerad kortbetalningsorder

Kortbetalningsorder är spärrad för kreditnota
If you have created a credit note using the Skapa orderkopia processing for a credit card order, this field is checked. The check is placed to prevent you from creating another credit note for the credit card payment, as this can mean that more money is paid back to the card holder than was charged.
Fakturerat belopp överstiger reservationen i kortbetalningstjänsten
Selected if you have access to changing a credit card order and the amount exceeds the reserved amount and the order is not transferred.

Reference is made to the value in the Kreditkortspåslag % column in the Aktör table for the customer specified as the invoice customer.

Fel under bekräftelse av försäljning i kortbetalningstjänsten
Selected, for the orders that were not confirmed or are incorrect, if an error occurs during the transfer of invoices to the Payment Service Provider.
Fel under återbetalningen i kortbetalningstjänsten
Selected, for the orders that were not confirmed or are incorrect, if an error occurs during the transfer of credit notes to the Payment Service Provider.
Fel under annullering av reservationen i kortbetalningstjänsten
Selected, for the orders that were not confirmed or are incorrect, if an error occurs during the transfer of cancelled orders to the Payment Service Provider.
Egenskap Värde Beskrivning
Visas som standard Nej Det här fältet visas inte som standard i tabellvyn.
Domän Orderstatus 1 Heltal
Skrivrättighet Ingen Du får inte ändra värdet i det här fältet.
SQL-namn OrdPrSt Databasfältets namn.
Nummer 3761  

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