
Select this field if the account is used as a profit and loss account. Leave it blank for balance sheet accounts.

Anm: It is important that the Resultatkonto field is filled in correctly before Visma Business is taken into use.

Visma Business checks this field during each voucher update for the account, and updates the balance differently depending on whether the voucher is posted to a Resultat och balansräkning account. Changes to the field do not have any retroactive effect, and can result in errors in the balance tables. The balance of PL accounts is set to zero in the first Redovisningsperiod of a new financial year, unless the Verifikation is posted for a organisational unit defined to produce an accumulated result. In the case of balance sheet accounts, the balance is carried forward to the new financial year.

Anm: If you have made a mistake in this field and performed updates, you can change the value in the field and select Processing/Regenerate account balances from the menu bar in the Företagsuppgifter table. Only the system supervisor can use this menu item. This action can be time-consuming.

Egenskap Värde Beskrivning
Visas som standard Ja Det här fältet visas som standard i tabellvyn.
Domän Boolsk Heltal
SQL-namn Res Databasfältets namn.
Nummer 1484  

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