
Definierar hur valutan ska behandlas.

Ett uppslag i den här kolumnen ger dig följande lista med möjliga värden:
0 - EMU-valuta (med fast pris for 1 EURO)

For currencies included in European Monetary Union (EMU). The exchange rate says how much one EURO costs in this currency.

Amounts in the default currency are calculated by dividing the currency amount with the exchange rate (to get the EURO amount), and multiplying by the exchange rate per unit on the row for the EURO currency. (If the current currency is the default currency, the currency amount is also displayed as an amount in the default currency.)

1 - Annan valuta med pris for 1 EURO

For other currencies (not EMU currencies) which have exchange rates expressed as the price of one EURO. For countries which are part of the EMU partnership, the exchange rates for all non-EMU currencies (apart from the EURO) are also quoted as the price of one EURO, and these have currency type 1.

Amounts in the default currency are calculated by dividing the currency amount with the exchange rate (to get the EURO amount), and multiplying by the exchange rate per unit on the row for the EURO currency. (If the current currency is the default currency, the currency amount is also displayed as an amount in the default currency.)

2 - Annan valuta med enhetspris i standardvalutan

The exchange rates will be expressed as the price in the default currency for 1 unit of the current currency.

3 - Annan valuta med pris för 100 enheter i standardvalutan

The exchange rates will be expressed as the price in the default currency for 100 units of the current currency.

Anm: You receive a warning if you change the currency type to 0 or 1 if the EURO-valutanr field is not filled out in the Företagsuppgifter table. You can use the Byt enhet processing to change from currency type 3 to 2, or from 0, 1 or 2 to 3. This processing will also update all tables which store exchange rates.
Egenskap Värde Beskrivning
Visas som standard Ja Det här fältet visas som standard i tabellvyn.
Domän Valutatyp Heltal
SQL-namn CurTp Databasfältets namn.
Nummer 573  

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