
Definition of what is to be copied from a sales order to a purchase/production order when you run the Generate purchase/production order processing in the Order and Orderrad tables. Plus how purchase estimates will be accumulated when you run Generate purchase/production order options processing in the Beställningsförslag and Beställningsförslagsrad tables.

The dialog box has double sets of checks for the selections that apply to orders, columns on the left apply to generation from a sales order, while columns on the right apply when orders are being generated from goods consumption lines on a production order.

Ett uppslag öppnar dialogrutan som innehåller följande kryssrutor och alternativ:

Utifrån försäljningsorder

Visa dialog vid generering av order från försäljningsorder
This Generate purchase/production order dialog box is displayed when you run the processing from the Order and Orderrad tables.
Kopiera leveransadress från originalorder
The Levereras aktörnr and Namn fields and addresses are copied from the order from where you run the Generera order processing.
Anm: While this selection is available when running the processing from the Orderrad table, the Levereras aktörnr is copied from the Order table.
Använd normal leverantör från lagersaldo
Separerar orderrader med lika produktnr
Each order line will be copied separately to the purchase/production order, otherwise they will be accumulated per warehouse, supplier and product.
Anm: To activate the other selections that apply to order lines, you must select this.
En produkt per order
One purchase/production order is created per product on the order.
Kopierar behandlingssätt från orderrad
The processing method fields are copied from the order line from where you run the Generera order processing. This can affect the processing and mean that you get other properties in the purchase order lines than when the purchase order is created manually.
Kopierar kostpris från orderrad
The cost prices from the order line from where you run the Generera order processing are transferred to the price field on purchase or production.
Kopierar varje ansv.enhet från orderrad
The organisational units are copied from the order line from where you run the Generera order processing.
Anm: The order head is not updated with these organisational units.
Kopierar säljare/inköpare från orderrad
The seller/buyer are copied from the order line from where you run the Generera order processing.

Avrundning av antal

Avrundningsregler från lagersaldotabellen
The rounding rules from the Lagersaldon table are used. This requires that the you at the very least fill out the Avrundning field in the Lagersaldon table with the value 1, which means the number of times the purchase unit will be rounded off. The rounding method to be used is above.
Fyll upp till minimilager från lagersaldotabellen
The minimum stock balance is taken into consideration, if the amount is greater than the minimum stock balance in the order from where you are running the Generera order processing.
Köp in ekonomisk inköpskvantitet från leveransalternativ- eller lagersaldotabellen
The economic order quantity is taken into account from the Leveransalternativ table.

Utifrån beställningsförslag

Visa dialog vid generering av order från beställningsförslag
This Generera order dialog box is displayed when you run the processing from the Beställningsförslag and Beställningsförslagsrad tables.
Slå samman lika produkter
En produkt per order
The estimates lines with the same warehouse no., supplier no. and product no. are combined when you run the Generera order processing from the Beställningsförslag and Beställningsförslagsrad tables.
Egenskap Värde Beskrivning
Visas som standard Ja Det här fältet visas som standard i tabellvyn.
Domän Best.gen.behandling Heltal
SQL-namn PurcGPro Databasfältets namn.
Nummer 9036  

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