Orderbehandling 3

Ett uppslag öppnar dialogrutan som innehåller följande kryssrutor och alternativ:


Kopiera scan dokument från produkt till försäljningsorder
Scan-dok.nr is copied from the product to the sales order line and to the product transaction.
Kopiera scan dokument från produkt till inköpsorder
Scan-dok.nr is copied from the product to the sales order line and to the purchase order line. From the purchase order line it is transferred to the shipment and product transaction
Kopiera scan dokument från produkt till andra transtyper
Scan-dok.nr is copied from the product to order lines with an order type other than sale and purchase, and from there to product transactions.
Kopiera scan dokument från inköps- till försäljningsorder
Scan-dok.nr is copied from the shipment to the sales order line and later to the product transaction.
Anm: This field is not compatible with Kopiera scan dokument från produkt till försäljningsorder and Kopiera scan dokument från produkt till andra transtyper.

Hämta kontosätt först från

Faktureras kund / Leverantör
The account set will be fetched from the invoice customer or supplier when you enter an order. This is the default option. If the account set is filled in from before, the value will not be overwritten.
The account set will be fetched from the customer when you enter an order.
The account set will be fetched from the stock when you enter an order.
The account set will be fetched from the structure when you enter an order.
The account set will be fetched from the employee when you enter an order.
The account set will be fetched from the organisation units when you enter an order.


Reduplicera från orderhuvud till orderrader vid lagring
The Order and Orderrad tables have several fields that are identical. During order entry these fields are copied from the order head to the order line. The values copied appear in blue on the order lines. If you select Reduplicera från orderhuvud till orderrader vid lagring, this means that fields that are blue on the order lines will be copied once more from the order head when saving. This means that if you change the order head, you also change the order line. Fields that are overridden, and that are displayed in black, are not affected. Fields containing dates are also not duplicated.
Anm: Order lines with organisational units that have been transferred from the Aktivitet table are given a flag in the Dupl. fält 1 and Dupl. fält 2 fields, which means that the field is manually overridden and will therefore not be affected by the selection in the Reduplicera från orderhuvud till orderrader vid lagring field.
Område och momskod utifrån levereras aktörnr
Område and Momskod will be imported from the associate entered in the Levereras aktörnr field.
Momskod och område EU ska ej överstyra inhemsk
This check box only functions together with the selection Område och momskod utifrån levereras aktörnr If you have checked these two fields, Visma Business will calculate the VAT from the Levereras aktörnr when invoicing.
Skriv Ej över ansvarsenheter på orderhuvudet
When entering Kundnr or Lev.nr on an order, the default result is that the organisational units are copied from the Aktör, overwriting values set on the order. When Skriv Ej över ansvarsenheter på orderhuvudet is set, an organisational unit field that has already been set on the order will not be overwritten if the organisational unit in the Aktör table is empty.
Ändra inte antal när leverantör ändras på orderrad
If you have entered a production order and changed the supplier number, the delivery number will not be re-imported from the supplier alternative. With changes of this kind, the quantity registered first on the production order will be kept.
Sätt Antal till frisläppt antal
More goods than the number given on an order can be accepted. Similarly, you can finish more than the number recorded on a sales order. The Totalt antal is then set in the Orderrad table to the quantity you entered as finished. If, in the Frisläpp NU field on a sales order, you finish more than the outstanding volume in the Antal field on the order line, the quantity in the Upplupet field is increased correspondingly. The Uppl. kostn. field is correct, both on the Orderrad and in the Produkttransaktioner table.
Anm: You cannot use the Finished dialog box to finish more than the rest amount in the Antal field, even if the parameter Sätt Antal till frisläppt antal has been defined.

Specialbehandling (Gemensamt)

Använd Visma XML format
The Visma XML format will be used.
Beräkna upplupna kostnader på fakturaplan
Incurred costs will not be totalled one more time to ensure that the correct values are totalled for the order head. This is only for use in orders with an invoice plan.
Skriv inte ut annullerade rader på orderdokument
The product lines will not appear on the order confirmations or purchase orders if they have been cancelled.
Produktion i ett steg
An invoice receipt for a production order is carried out even if production is not finished. This means that the cost price is not updated.
Anm: If you use production orders in the usual way, this field should not be checked.
When selected, Visma Business will suggest customer's Produktnr from the Kund produktnummer table for the Trans.upplysn. 2 field in the order lines. Both Kundnr and Produktnr must be entered for customer's Produktnr to be suggested.
Prel. bokföring av inkommande dokument
If enabled then a non-updated batch with one voucher will be created when an order matched invoice is transferred from Visma Document Center. Voucher series used will be fetched from the field Inkommande dokument prel. reg in the Företagsuppgifter table. This voucher series must have a voucher type given and the debit account from the voucher type will be used as debit account on the voucher (credit account if the invoice transferred is a credit invoice). Supplier account no will be used as cross account.
Återför prel registrering vid avvisning vid order match
If enabled then when rejecting an order matched invoice a non-updated batch is be created that reverses the pre-registration batch that has been previously created.
Tillåt inte någon avvikelse
If enabled then regardless of how small a deviation in price and amount is the order line will be flagged as outside deviation tolerance. Also, this option needs to be disabled in order for the values in the Inkommande faktura avvikelsetolerans % and Inkommande faktura avvikelsetolerans belopp fields to be considered in the calculation of order line deviations.
Automatiskt fakturamottag vid order match
Enables the automatic invoice receive of those order lines that have been order matched and are inside deviation tolerance. This flag and Prel. bokföring av inkommande dokument cannot be simultaneously enabled.
Inget delfakturamottag vid order match
If enabled then the automatic invoice receive is performed only in the case that all the order lines of an order matched invoice are inside tolerance level. This flag is checked by the order match processing only if it is simultaneously enabled in the Automatiskt fakturamottag vid order match flag under the Orderbehandling 2 field in the Företagsuppgifter table.
Anm: It is normally recommended to enable this setting to avoid creating multiple vouchers for the same invoice.
Ackumulera bruttovikt till frisläppt vikt
If enabled, the Order field Frisläppt vikt will be updated automatically, accumulated from Bruttovikt. Frisläppt vikt is used to calculate freight, based on settings under Transp.avt.behandl. and the Transportavtal table.


Fyll inte upp negativa batcher
Negative shipments will not be filled up first when goods are received.
Ej lager/produkt urval vid uppslag i Batcher
A lookup in the Batch table from the Orderrad table takes into account the Produktnr and Lagernr fields on the order line. To prevent this, select this field. Visma Business will then display all shipments during lookups from the Orderrad table, regardless of whether you have specified a product/warehouse selection or not. If you have selected this field and perform a lookup to the Batch table, you will copy the values in the Produktnr, Batchnr and Lagernr fields from the Batch table to the Orderrad table. If there are reservations on the shipment, you will get an error message stating that you cannot alter "Product no.", "Shipment no." or "Warehouse no.". If Transaction type on the order line = 1 - Försäljning, Visma Business will also check whether there is a quantity in the Reserverbart field for the shipment. Transaction type will be checked in the following sequence:
  • The order line
  • Order head
  • If there is "Trans. type" for both, the Order line will be selected
The other transaction types will copy without being checked.
Spara batcher
Shipments are deleted when they reach 0, i.e. when the realised stock, unrealised stock increase and reserved quantity are all 0. If you check Spara batcher, Visma Business will restore shipments if required, for example in connection with crediting. Visma Business will then be able to include information from the invoice transaction. If shipments are deleted when they are no longer required, the processing time is reduced when Visma Business runs through them in FIFO order. In addition, the storage space required is reduced. If, for example, you have a few fixed shipments per product/warehouse combination and you do not need to distinguish between them over time with changing shipment numbers, there is no reason for Visma Business to spend time creating and deleting them repeatedly. They can just as well be kept. Moreover, no information will be lost if the values in all the fields in the shipments are stored. If you use invoice references in connection with crediting, the FIFO order will also be preserved.
Infoga utskiljda batcher före
When set, any shipments created using the Skilj ut processing in the Batch table, will be added before the original shipment. For example, if you use Skilj ut to create a new shipment from shipment no 1, the separated shipment will be created as shipment no 1 and the original will be shipment no 2.

Lagerprodukt och direktorder

As order type 2 - Direktorder does not use warehouse handling (including picking, reservation, finishing), you have the option to warn or block the user if creating a direct order using a product which is not exempt from warehousing. The warning is given as a status message when the product no is entered.

Ignorera meddelande
No status message is displayed when the combination of order type 2 - Direktorder and product with warehousing is used.
A status message warning is displayed about the combination of order type 2 - Direktorder and product with warehousing being used.
The entered product no is removed, while a status message warning is displayed about the combination of order type 2 - Direktorder and product with warehousing being used.


Uppdatera frisläppt antal fältet i lagersaldotabellen
The Frisläppt field in the Lagersaldon table will be updated with the number counted on finishing and reduced on invoicing of sales orders. By saving this value you can calculate the amount of goods you have on the shelves. To get this to work, you must create a calculated column. You create calculated columns in the Beräknad kolumn table.
Kontrollera lagersaldo för produkt under inventering.
For stocktaking and where you have set processing method on the order line to add shipments with negative availability, you must also set the parameter to check the Lagersaldon table for products subject to stocktaking. You do this because if this option is not checked, Visma Business will add a negative shipment even if the product is subject to stocktaking. This parameter is implemented in order to minimise stock errors on completion of a sales order.
Ta inte med utlånat i inventerbart antal
The products you have for loan should be counted when the countable quantity is calculated. Products for loan are part of the physical stock and will normally be included.
Inga uthyrda produkter i inventerbart antal
Hired products are not included when the countable quantity is calculated. Products for hire are part of the physical stock and will normally be included.
Använd ordernr för inventering
Product transaction from stock take is by default created without order no. When this is set, the product transaction gets an order no and will be possible to track during stock reconciliation.
Undanta anläggningar från lagerhantering vid inköp
The Undantas lagerh. check box in the Orderrad table is selected when you enter the capital asset number on the sales order line.
Lager från produkt
The Normalt lager field from the products will be suggested in the order lines and thus override the warehouse number in the order head.


Ej serienummer vid kreditering
The serial number is not transferred from the reservation lines/order lines to the shipments on crediting.
Uppdatera serienr vid inköp
Anm: Används ej.
Visma Business updates the Serienummer table with product numbers, warehouse numbers and shipments from the purchase order. This allows a serial number to be queried on the basis of the product, warehouse and shipment number, because all transactions using this shipment store this data in the Produkttransaktioner table.


Skriv alltid över pris från pris- och rabattmatris
Skriv alltid över pris från pris- och rabattmatris means that changes in the Pris field overwrite the corresponding field in the Pris- och rabattmatris table. If you make changes to the Inköpspris and/or Purchase discount fields, the Kostpris field will also be corrected correspondingly.
Ta hänsyn till lägsta antal vid hämtning av pris- o rabatt
Price and discount rows are sorted by the minimum quantity and not the lowest price and discount. If there are several rows with the same criteria, it is the smallest quantity and the first row with reductions that applies. This also applies for "additions" (negative discounts).
Hämta kostpris och datum efter generering av order
Cost price and date are copied directly to the current sales order when you generate a purchase order.
Hämta pris på orderrader genererade av "Tid till nästa"
Rows produced using the Tid till nästa field in the Orderrad table perform a new lookup in the Pris- och rabattmatris table.
Beräkna genomsnittl. Kostpris på orderraden
Check this box if you want to set the cost price in the order line as a weighted average of the cost prices in the reservation lines. The value is set when you reserve or change cost prices for decrease order lines in the Reservationer table. This is based on the reserved quantities and cost prices when the entire quantity on the order line is reserved. This field overrides the corresponding field under Proc. method in the Produkter table and is valid for all products.
Kostpriser i valuta
The supplier's currency number will be suggested as the cost currency number in purchase orders.
Anm: When this setting is on and any stock has been handled in other than the default currency, it is not recommended to turn it off as this will cause differences with stock values. If the setting must be turned off for some reason, this is the recommended procedure:
  1. Correct stock balance to 0, using order with Trans.typ = 4 - Justering.
  2. Make sure that both stock balance and accounting is 0.
  3. Turn off Kostpriser i valuta.
  4. Rebuild stock balance using 4 - Justering to set the correct cost prices in local currency.


Visa godkännandedialog för kontantorder
An approval dialog box will appear where you can choose to cancel the printout of the cash order (order type = 3 - Kontantorder).
Ingen dialog vid kontantorder
The Payment dialog box is not shown when you save a cash order, but the invoice is printed directly.
Varning vid blank orderstatus
A message will be displayed if the order has been saved with order status equal to 0.
Dialog vid frisläppning
The processing in the order head for finishing will lead to a dialog box in which you can choose between finishing the entire order or entering a bar code, product number or transaction information 1 and quantity. If you do not select this field the processing will finish the entire order.

Specialbehandling (Faktura)

Vänd ej förtecken vid kreditering
If Kreditfaktura is selected in the order header, the opposite sign is used for the values typed in the quantity fields. This will not happen if this option is used. The purpose of this option is to ease the manual typing of order lines when the credit note has many positive and only one, or few, negative order lines.
Avrunda momsbelopp på orderrader
The VAT amount will be rounding-off of per order line and not on the total, which may result in different VAT amounts being produced, depending on whether you calculate on the net amount in total or per order line.
Anm: Rounding will ALWAYS be done UP, never down. This functionality is only to be used in British markets according to British rounding regulations.
Fakturaavgift endast på första fakturan
An invoice fee will only be added if the order is being invoiced for the first time.
Dölj faktura nr och datum i dialog
The system does not take account of the changes made to the invoice number and date in the Invoice received dialog box.
Bara en summarad för moms
If you run an invoice with a special tax, the VAT on the special tax appears on a separate row on the invoice. If you check this field, all VAT rows are totalled to create one row on the invoice. The last VAT code in the text is used.
Bokför tillägg
Additions (i.e. negative discounts) will be separated from sales and posted separately in accordance with the account references in the Moms- och bokföringsuppl. table.
Sändsätt för dokument från fakturakund
If enabled, the Document delivery method for invoices set on the Faktureras kundnr is used for the sales order. All other document delivery methods are fetched from the associate in the Kundnr field.
Ingen moms på förskottsbetalningsorderrad
This option relates to the Skapa förskottsbetalningsrad processing in the Order table, and must be used if prepayment shall not include VAT. If you check this field, the prepayment line on the order will fetch amount from Ordersumma brutto instead of Ordersumma netto. This requires using a prepayment product without VAT handling.
Skapa separata order från Visma.net Expense
If enabled the Dela upp processing will be automatically started on the newly created order and new separate orders will be created for each customer from the initial sales order from Visma.net Expense. If not enabled, only one sales order is created. Use Överför processing to move lines to existing orders or use Dela upp processing manually to create new orders for each customer.
Uppdatera lagerminskning på kreditnota
Credit notes are now handled the same way as purchase orders when it comes to cost handling.
Anm: The cost update might decrease the performance when invoicing credit notes.

Överföring till order

Läs inte orderrader när aktiviteter överförs
This selection is used in connection with On account invoicing of orders, where the order number has been entered for the appointment, so that hours that are transferred from appointment to order are entered on the correct order. When Visma Business has been in use for a while, transfers of orders with many order lines begin to take a long time. If you select the Läs inte orderrader när aktiviteter överförs field, the order will not be read in on transfer from appointments, but processing of such orders will be much faster. This means that the order head totals will not be updated before the next invoicing or before resave is implemented, but the transfer is performed correctly.
Default Ja i överföringsdialog
When you use the Överför processing in the Order table, order lines are transferred where the Överf. till ord.nr field is filled in in the Orderrad table. If you uncheck the options Default Ja i överföringsdialog or Default Nej i överföringsdialog, a dialog box where you must confirm the transfer Yes or No will not appear.
Default Nej i överföringsdialog
When you use the Överför processing in the Order table, order lines are transferred where the Överf. till ord.nr field is filled in in the Orderrad table. If you uncheck the options Default Ja i överföringsdialog or Default Nej i överföringsdialog, a dialog box where you must confirm the transfer Yes or No will not appear.
Egenskap Värde Beskrivning
Visas som standard Nej Det här fältet visas inte som standard i tabellvyn.
Domän Orderbehandling 3 Heltal
SQL-namn OrdPro3 Databasfältets namn.
Nummer 8277  

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