Bara en batch

This function is not supported in new installations with version 4.60, so you cannot edit the field. The field is only checked if this function has been used in previous versions.

Old function description:

You can check here if there is to be only one shipment per product number/warehouse number combination, with shipment number 1.

Visma Business then uses this shipment number regardless for both stock increases and stock reductions, and reject completion of the fields for shipment number and transferred to shipment number in the order lines and in the Reservationer table with values other than 1 (deletion of the contents of the fields is still permitted.)

Visma Business will reject completion of the field with a check if there are already shipments with shipment numbers other than 1.

Anm: You cannot use this function if you have also selected Cost price in currency or allocated order. We recommend that you do not use this function. Contact your dealer or Visma Software if you have been using this function.

Egenskap Värde Beskrivning
Visas som standard Ja Det här fältet visas som standard i tabellvyn.
Domän Boolsk Heltal
SQL-namn OneShp Databasfältets namn.
Nummer 8150  

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