
Invoice reference processing.

If the field is filled in, Visma Business will, when you complete the Invoice reference field in the order head, add order lines which correspond to product transactions with this invoice reference as the invoice number.

The "Invoice ref. processing" field is also in the Order table. The value that you selected in the "Invoice ref. processing" field in the Order table overrides the value in the "Invoice ref. processing" field in the Företagsuppgifter table.

Ett uppslag i den här kolumnen ger dig följande lista med möjliga värden:
1 - Visa originalrader
For 1 the signs are reversed for quantity and amount if you have checked credit note in the order head, and the first time for 2.
2 - Visa originalrader 2 gånger (-/+)
If you have selected 2, the signs will be shown as in the original the second time, and the description fields will be shown in italics the first time (or not in italics if they were already in italics). Visma Business also inserts heading lines before each of the order line sets. The heading lines are given the texts Was and must be in the order language in the description field. The text is displayed in bold. You can override the texts in the Texts table with text type Heading texts and text numbers 7 and 8.
3 - Visa originalrader och undantas lagerhantering
4 - Visa originalrader 2 gånger (-/+) och undantas lagerhantering
Egenskap Värde Beskrivning
Visas som standard Ja Det här fältet visas som standard i tabellvyn.
Domän Fakt.ref.behandl. Heltal
SQL-namn InvRPro Databasfältets namn.
Nummer 8321  

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