
The interest note series is used as interest note number and as voucher number when posting interest notes.

Note that the value in the Voucher type field for the interest note series has a special significance. Visma Business will not calculate interest on entries for which the interest voucher type is used, unless compound interest is to be calculated for the customer (depending on the Compound interest field in the Land table and possibly the selection of Private person in the customer preference dialog box in the Aktör table).

Anm: Om du dubbelklickar eller trycker på * i den här kolumnen kan du slå upp ett värde i den relaterade tabellen.
Egenskap Värde Beskrivning
Visas som standard Ja Det här fältet visas som standard i tabellvyn.
Domän Ver. serienr Heltal
SQL-namn NoteVoSr Databasfältets namn.
Nummer 2250  
Tabell 1. Tabellrelationer
Till tabell Identifierare Från kolumn Till kolumn Kommentar
Verifikationsserie InterestNoteSeries
  • Räntefakturaserie

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