Fastpris avvikandeprod.

With fixed price invoicing you can choose to keep statistics on the difference between the revenue in the invoice plan lines and the invoiceable amounts in the other order lines, on the basis of the entered consumption of goods and services, for a product for over/under-invoicing which you specify in the Avvikande produktnr field in the order head and which is suggested from company data.

See further details in the chapter on order entry in the system specification for logistics.

Anm: Om du dubbelklickar eller trycker på * i den här kolumnen kan du slå upp ett värde i den relaterade tabellen.
Egenskap Värde Beskrivning
Visas som standard Ja Det här fältet visas som standard i tabellvyn.
Domän Produktnr Text (40)
SQL-namn DifProd Databasfältets namn.
Nummer 3053  
Tabell 1. Tabellrelationer
Till tabell Identifierare Från kolumn Till kolumn Kommentar
Produkter FixedPriceDeviateProduct
  • Fastpris avvikandeprod.
Sök produkt FixedPriceDeviateSearchProduct
  • Fastpris avvikandeprod.

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