EAN lokaliser.nr

The GLN/GS1 number of the company.

You can print the number in XML export files. If you have checked the Använd EAN Lokaliseringsnummer field under EDI-behandling in the Företagsuppgifter table, a lookup is performed in this field during EDI import. The field can have several roles, such as Customer, Invoice customer, Delivery address, Carrier, Warehouse, etc. It is important that two associates do not have the same GLN/GS1 number, as the lookup during EDI import could then produce the wrong associate. A company which has administration and warehouse in different places must have several GLN/GS1 numbers.

Anm: You must not create more than one associate for each location number. If two associates have the same location number only the first one is used, and this could lead to the incorrect delivery of goods and documents.

An EAN/GTIN item number has either 8 or 13 digits. The 8-digit version is used for small packages. EAN/GTIN codes with 13 digits are unique all over the world, and the 2 or 3 first digits identify the country where the code was assigned.

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Domän EAN kod Text (40)
SQL-namn EANLocCd Databasfältets namn.
Nummer 12830  

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