
Ett uppslag öppnar dialogrutan som innehåller följande kryssrutor och alternativ:


Kontrollera lägsta antal på resp.typ
This parameter means that the Quantity will never be lower than the minimum number on the response type, while what is allocated will change depending on when the from/to time is entered.
Hämta Ej aktivitetsaktörnr. från påloggad användare
The logged-in user is not suggested in the field for Aktivitetaktörnr when you enter an appointment.
Anm: The assignment does not apply when the Aktivitet table is linked to the Aktör table using the Associate number – Appointment associate key.
Beräkna fulltid över midnatt
The Beräknar fulltid över midnatt check box is selected in the dialog box under Behandl.sätt 8 in the Aktivitet table. A check is only inserted for appointments where products, resources or response types are used. You can also place a check directly in the Beräknar fulltid över midnatt field in the dialog box under Behandl.sätt 8 in the Aktivitet table. If you have checked this field the time over midnight or several days with the total number of hours is calculated.
Använd "Från datum" som datum för prisjämförelse
Visma Business will use Från datum in the Pris- och rabattmatris table in connection with price lookups and not today's date. If Från datum has not been filled in, today's date will be used.
Föreslå pris vid inkopiering av antal
A new lookup will be made against the price and discount matrix when you paste a row in the Aktivitet table. If, for example, you select the Aktivitetaktörnr, Från datum, Till datum, Produktnr, Antal and Pris fields on a row in the Aktivitet table, and paste the row into a blank row in the same table, a lookup will be made against the Pris- och rabattmatris table, and the Belopp and Antal till order fields will be calculated.
Anm: If you do not use the Produktnr field and "Cut"/"Paste" in activities, this field should not be selected.


Tabelluppslag vid produktuppslag
Visma Business uses table format instead of a dialog box when you perform a lookup in the Produktnr field in the Aktivitet table.
Tabelluppslag vid Kontakpersonuppslag
Visma Business uses table format instead of a dialog box when you perform a lookup in the Kontaktperson field in the Aktivitet and Order tables.
Tabelluppslag vid Responstypuppslag i Deltagare
Visma Business uses table format instead of a dialog box when you perform a lookup in the Resptyp field in the Deltagare table.
Resurs utifrån anställningsnr.
Visma Business checks if there is a resource for the employee when you enter an employee number in the appointment. If so, this value is copied to the Resursnr field of the Aktivitet. You can use this parameter if you want to link resource balances to appointments, in which case you must specify the resource number.
Anm: It is important to understand that this may affect the way other appointments behave when there is more than one of them. You must therefore set the correct processing for the appointment to make sure that time balances are not affected. You do this in the Behandl.sätt 8 field.


Anställd från kontonr. serier
Visma Business performs a check against the Account series when an employee number is assigned.
Resurs från kontonr. serier
Visma Business performs a check against the Account series when a resource number is assigned.
Tillåt Ej överlappande kontonr. serier
Visma Business performs a check against the Kontonummerserier to see if they overlap.


Skapa Ej aktiviteter vid Upprätta dokument
Visma Business does not create appointments when you create documents. You can override these settings in the dialog box for the Upprätta dokument processing in the Aktivitet table by selecting the Create appointment field. The Skapa Ej aktiviteter vid Upprätta dokument field is selected by default.
Använd företag som mottagare istället för kontaktperson
The document that is created for the contact will also be linked to the associate number to which the contact belongs.
Fax om inte mail vid massbrev
If you select Fax if no e-mail when using e-mail to external associates, Visma Business will send a fax if an associate does not have an e-mail address. This assumes that the e-mail system supports fax transmissions. If a user is to receive a fax but the fax number is not known, the message will be sent to a printer instead if you have checked Print if no fax.
Skriv om inte fax vid massbrev
If you select Fax om inte mail vid massbrev when using e-mail to external associates, Visma Business will send a fax if an associate does not have an e-mail address. This assumes that the e-mail system supports fax transmissions. If a user is to receive a fax but the fax number is not known, the message will be sent to a printer instead if you have checked Skriv om inte fax vid massbrev.
Använd beskrivningen I filnamnet
When running the Upprätta dokument processing from the Aktör table the file name will contain the document description.
The file name will be: Part of document description - Visma Business generated file name.Extension
Anm: Only the first 40 characters of the document description will be included in the file name.
Skapa mappstruktur av kundnr och dokumentgruppnr

Överför aktiviteter till order

Hämta alltid pris från Pris- och rabattmatris
Prices and discounts are recalculated when you transfer appointments to orders. Consideration is also given to price criteria that are only in orders, such as order price group.
Tillåt överföring utan kundnr.
When you run the Upprätta order processing from the Aktivitet table, you transfer the appointment to an employee order. If the order has transaction type 5 - Varuförbrukning and order type 4 - Realiserad order, it is updated in statistics. If you have checked this field and run the Upprätta order processing from the Aktivitet table, you can also transfer appointments with different customer numbers to the same order, on the condition that the order does not have a customer number.
Visa grupperingsdialog
The "Create order" dialog box will appear when you run the Upprätta order processing in the Aktivitet table. You have the following options in this dialog box:
  • Groups
  • Use default values from last appointment
The options are explained in the "Create order" document.
Krav på gruppering av aktiviteter
By defining sorting for the appointments, multiple appointment lines are combined into one order line during transfer to order. If you select this field, a dialog box appears, from where you can run the Upprätta order processing from the Aktivitet table, indicating that sorting will be used in the transfer. You must sort the appointments at least by Currency no., Order no., Product no., and Warehouse no. before running the routine. If you do not sort the appointments, they are not transferred and Visma Business displays a corresponding message.
Använd alltid sista rad vid gruppering av aktiviteter
When you use grouping, Visma Business does not create breaks for certain fields. The values used by these fields are taken from the first line. If you check the Use last as default field, values from the last line are used instead.

Kund kontosätt

You can check this field to copy the account set from the customer to the appointment instead of the invoice customer.
Från kundnr
You can check this field to copy the account set from the employee to the appointment instead of the invoice customer or customer.

Ansvarig godkänning

Från Sakansvarsenhet
If you select official from project official, the official is taken from the organisational unit defined as the Mandatory sort organisational unit in the Företagsuppgifter table.
Från Resurs
The official is taken from the resource number.
Från Anställd
The official is taken from the employee number.
Från Aktivitetsaktörnr
The official is taken from the associate who is the appointment associate.
Från Kund
The official is taken from the customer number.
Egenskap Värde Beskrivning
Visas som standard Ja Det här fältet visas som standard i tabellvyn.
Domän CRM-behandling Heltal
SQL-namn CrmPro Databasfältets namn.
Nummer 9037  

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