
You can enter separate voucher and document series for outgoing invoices and credit notes. The voucher and document series for invoices will be used for credit notes unless you have entered a separate voucher and document series for them and filled in the field for the next voucher number in this voucher and document series. Nevertheless, using the Verifikation table and the Dokumentkopplingar table, you will be able to specify different voucher types for invoices and credit notes so that the vouchers can have different texts depending on whether they are invoices or credit notes.

Anm: Om du dubbelklickar eller trycker på * i den här kolumnen kan du slå upp ett värde i den relaterade tabellen.
Egenskap Värde Beskrivning
Visas som standard Ja Det här fältet visas som standard i tabellvyn.
Domän Ver. serienr Heltal
SQL-namn CrNtVoSr Databasfältets namn.
Nummer 3358  
Tabell 1. Tabellrelationer
Till tabell Identifierare Från kolumn Till kolumn Kommentar
Verifikationsserie CreditNoteSeries
  • Kreditfakturaserie

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