
Ett uppslag öppnar dialogrutan som innehåller följande kryssrutor och alternativ:


Planerat bet.datum är förfallodatum för alla transaktioner
All transactions, regardless of the payment date, will be assigned the same payment date that you used in the Skapa betalningsförslag processing.
Infoga extratext på betalnings post
You will be able to transfer text (40 characters) on an open post in the Extratext field. This has been implemented for the 96 - Liinos and 99 - ZData Converter bank systems. Only Telepay (NO), Postal giro and Bankgiro (SE) can use this function.

Databas integration

Använd databasanslutning till Zdata

This field is not in use in this table.

Generera buntar/verifikat för betalning
Automatically create batch/vouchers when receiving settled payments from the EFT system. Recommendation is to have this setting selected. If not selected the Skapa redovisningsbunt processing in the Betalningsrad table can be ran manually at a later stage.
Automatisk uppdatering av bunt för utgående betalningar från Visma.net AutoPay
After return data for payments are received from Visma.net AutoPay, the Uppdatera verifikationer processing will start automatically.
Automatisk uppdatering av bunt för inkommande betalningar från Visma.net AutoPay
After incoming payments are received from Visma.net AutoPay, the Uppdatera verifikationer processing will start automatically.
Betala bara aktivt företag
You cannot export data from other clients than the client from whom the export was started.
Behandla bara aktiva betalningar vid betalning
You can only process the selected payment line for the company where Lägg ut data or Hämta returdata was started from.
Uppdatera bankkontonummer och organisationsnummer from EBF system
You get updated bank account and organisation numbers of customers who are paying by OCR. Not all formats support this. It depends on the information in the file that comes from the bank.
Hämta valutakurser vid betalning
You will be able to get exchange rates from the bank, and update the Valuta and Valutakurs tables with updated exchange rates from the bank. Not all bank formats are supported at present.
Annullera betalning som ej överförs
Some EFT systems sets the Bet.radstatus field in the Betalningsrad table to 4 - Annullerad in the lines that have status 1 - Förslag after you have run the Lägg ut data processing in the Betalning table. It is the EFT system that performs the cancellation of the open entries for everything that is rejected before you send data to the bank.
Annullera betalningar som avvisas
Some external EFT systems will set the Bet.radstatus field in the Betalningsrad table to 4 - Annullerad in the lines that are being cancelled by the control routines in the EFT system, while suggestions that you selected manually so that they will not be transferred remain as Bet.radstatus equal 1 - Förslag, and will be ready for paying the next time the EFT system is started.
Inget debetsaldo
Some EFT systems will test whether the payments per supplier exceed the total amount owed, and rejects this supplier and transactions that will create a debit balance for the supplier will not be paid.
Inlandsbetalning till utlandet (43/TBIO)
Foreign transactions will be sent over and processed as domestic transactions in the recipient country. This depends on what is offered by the bank that you use for the payments.
Radera valutakurs på utförda betalningar
This field is not in use.


Avgifter och avgifter inkluderat i belopp
Fees will be included in the total amount.
Avgifter per post
Fees and duties will be recorded per supplier and payment.
Bokför Ej avgifter
Fees and duties will not be posted with the payment. Select this field when you have a separate agreement with the bank that fees and duties are debited separately.
Avgifter i utl valuta
Fees and duties are in a currency other than default currency. Then the account currency is used for the fees.
Använd bankreferens på inlandsbetalningar
The bank reference will be used to gather the posting in the general ledger account for bank postings on domestic payments.
Använd bankreferens på utlandsbetalningar
The bank reference is used to gather posting in the general ledger account for bank postings in foreign payments.
Använd bokföringsdatum för Visma.net Autopay incoming payments
When selected, the bank's "Value date" is used for the Bokföringsdat field in the Verifikation table, instead of the bank's "Booking date". With this the user can configure what suites best for optimizing their bank reconciliation.
Skapa verifikationsrader om avgifter från ingående betalning från Visma.net AutoPay
When selected, charges will be posted when importing incoming payments from Visma.net AutoPay. Charges will be posted if they are specified in the <ChargesDeducted> tag in the import file. Alternatively, charges will posted if the value in the <PaidCurrencyAmount> is higher than amount in the <ReceivedAmount> tag (meaning the customer has paid more than we have received), the difference will be considered as charges (currency must be identical for both amounts).
Skapa bankföring för varje inkommande betalning från Visma.net AutoPay
When selected, a separate bank voucher will be created for each incoming payment when importing from Visma.net AutoPay.
Kontrollera inte påminnelser i Kunddokument vid matchning av betalningar
When selected, the content in Kunddokument tables will not be used for matching of incoming payments from Visma.net AutoPay.


En faktura pr. transaktion
Some EFT systems will only produces transactions for the bank. If you use this parameter, several payments will not be batched for the same account.


Tillåt negativa belopp
Negative amounts will also be processed. This check box is also present under Redovisningsbehandl. field in the Företagsuppgifter table. By using this selection in the Bankpartner table, you can set different processing for each bank partner.
Anm: For negative payments you are meant to transfer larger amounts of credit notes than invoices. This is selected when it is permitted to send this to the bank for monitoring, so that with the next invoice the bank reduces the payment amount with the remaining credit note value. This is only used when paying to Swedish banks.
Använd alltid Plusgiro om detta finns
Post account is used in EFT processing. This applies for Sweden and is only used by some external EFT systems.
Numerisk omkostnad
The cost codes "OUR" and "BEN" will be replaced by numerical values that are used in Sweden.
Tillåt hämtning av betalningar med belopp = 0
When selected, the Skapa betalningsförslag processing will create payment lines also for suppliers where the sum of the transactions is zero (e.g. one invoice with amount 2000 and one credit note with amount 2000). Check that your bank accept zero-payments, this is accepted by several banks in Sweden.


Some EFT systems produces a joint transaction for the bank. If you use this parameter you cannot retrieve return data to match the payments. This field is only used in some external EFT systems.
Kort meddelande till mottagare
The recipient receives a short message. This field is only used by some EFT systems.


Uppdatera huvudbokstransaktioner med avstämningsbelopp.
When selected, new transaction in the Huvudbokstransaktioner table with Kontonr = the bank partner's Huvudb.k. bank will be assigned values in the Avstämning restbelopp fields. This makes it possible to later reconcile the transactions against the Kontoutskriftstransaktion table.
Matcha transaktioner även om beloppen är olika
Enables the possibility to match transactions with different amounts when running the Manuell avstämning processing.


Sänd inte OCR-kod till AutoInvoice
When selected, no CID will be sent to AutoInvoice.
Egenskap Värde Beskrivning
Visas som standard Ja Det här fältet visas som standard i tabellvyn.
Domän EBF-behandling Heltal
SQL-namn EFTProc Databasfältets namn.
Nummer 11425  

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