Koddel 3

The department, project, etc. the associate is linked to.

Organisational units fields can be used freely according to company needs to split accounting, sales and purchases into organisational units. The most common types are department, project and campaign. It is also possible to limit the organisational units a user should see by limiting the organisational units in the Limitation groups, User limitation groups and Limitations. The field appear with the name assigned to it in the Företagsuppgifter table.

Anm: Om du dubbelklickar eller trycker på * i den här kolumnen kan du slå upp ett värde i den relaterade tabellen.
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Domän Ansvarsenhetsnummer Heltal
SQL-namn R3 Databasfältets namn.
Nummer 4055  
Tabell 1. Tabellrelationer
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Koddel 3 OrgUnit3
  • Koddel 3

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