Nytt kundnr

The new customer no for an existing customer.

You can highlight/select the associates with a value in New customer no. and execute the menu item Change customer/supplier number. The Ändra kund/lev. nr. processing updates all foreign keys containing the Kundnr field in all tables which refer to them. Visma Business also deals with instances where two numerical keys exchange values.

The old number is saved in the Tidigare kundnr field. If you change to the same customer number in several rows in the Aktör table via the Nytt kundnr field and save, the Kundnr field must be greyed out in all rows except the first one.

If you use common tables for Aktör, Huvudbokskonto or Produkter, you cannot use the function for changing number. This function only processes transactions in the active company and not in the other companies using the same table. We therefore recommend regulating access to the field so it is not visible to some Access groups.

Anm: If you use common tables, transactions and customer numbers in other tables are changed for all databases with this table in common.

Egenskap Värde Beskrivning
Visas som standard Nej Det här fältet visas inte som standard i tabellvyn.
Domän Kundnr Heltal
SQL-namn NwCNo Databasfältets namn.
Nummer 7364  

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