Max antal påminnelser

The number of reminders to send before the transactions will be included in the debt collection/change list.

When you send a reminder to a customer you define the reminder number and the reminder text. When you reach a number of reminders that you have specified in the field for the maximum number of reminders, the final reminder for the country is used. If you have not specified a maximum number of reminders all reminders will be written.

If you set the Max. no. of reminders for the associate to 2, transactions will not be included in the debt collection/change list until two reminders have been issued.

Egenskap Värde Beskrivning
Visas som standard Nej Det här fältet visas inte som standard i tabellvyn.
Domän Antal påminnelser Heltal
SQL-namn MaxRems Databasfältets namn.
Nummer 4091  

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