EBF separator

The separator you want to use for batch payments.

The field is processed in some EFT systems on payments and after OCR scanning.

In direct remittances and OCR data scanning, you can specify the separator used in batch transactions for each supplier/customer.

When data is exported via the EFT system for batch invoices, the value in this field is used as the separator between invoice numbers.

If you enter one character, this character is used to separate the invoice numbers. If you enter two characters, each invoice number is placed between the two characters. If you enter three characters, each invoice number is placed between the first and last character and the middle character is used as a separator between the invoices.

Egenskap Värde Beskrivning
Visas som standard Nej Det här fältet visas inte som standard i tabellvyn.
Domän EBF separator Text (3)
SQL-namn EftSep Databasfältets namn.
Nummer 13018  

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