
Inställningar för the associate.

Ett uppslag öppnar dialogrutan som innehåller följande kryssrutor och alternativ:

Externa användare

Användare i TimeEase
The associate is a Visma TimeEase user. If check box is selected, an x will be shown in the Användare i TimeEase field in the Aktör table.
Användare i Zpider (FE)
The associate is a Zpider user.
Användare i Externt system 3
The associate is a Användare i Externt system 3 user.
Användare i Externt system 4
The associate is a Användare i Externt system 4 user.


Värdet måste uppdateras från Visma Document Center.
Dokument administratör
Värdet måste uppdateras från Visma Document Center.
Värdet måste uppdateras från Visma Document Center.
E-post meddelande
Värdet måste uppdateras från Visma Document Center.

EAN Location (GLN/GS1 no)

When writing an e-document and check box Använd EAN Lokaliseringsnummer is selected in the EDI-behandling field in the Företagsuppgifter table, the EAN lokaliser.nr field for the customer (EANLocCd) can be found by adding the customer no. to the customer number tag of the associate. If XML kompatibelt format is selected in the EDI-behandling field in the Företagsuppgifter table, the Ord_CustNo tag will be used, if the XML kompatibelt format is not selected it will be the Ord.CustNo tag.

If EAN location code cannot be obtained an error message will be added to the EDI-felmeddelanden table.

Kunden är spärrad
When reading an incoming e-document in the Visma XML format, a lookup is done on the EAN lokaliser.nr field to try to find the correct customer no. in the internal system. If you have several associates with the same EAN location code, you can block out the once you do not want to have associated with the EAN location code. However, you will always try to first do a lookup on the Org.nr field to try to find the corresponding internal customer no. If you instead want to use the EAN lokaliser.nr field, you can block the reading of the Org.nr field by selecting Läs Ej organisationsnummer vid input in the associate processing dialog.
Faktureras kundnr.
When writing an e-document and check box Använd EAN Lokaliseringsnummer is selected in the EDI-behandling field in the Företagsuppgifter table, the EAN lokaliser.nr field for the associate being invoiced EANInvoNo can be found by adding the customer no. to the invoice customer number tag of the associate. If XML kompatibelt format is selected in the EDI-behandling field in the Företagsuppgifter table, the Ord_InvoCust tag will be used, if the XML kompatibelt format is not selected it will be the Ord.InvoCust tag.
Faktureras kundnr. är spärrad
When reading an incoming e-document in the Visma XML format, a lookup is done on the EAN lokaliser.nr field to try to find the correct invoice customer no. in the internal system. If you have several associates with the same EAN location code, you can block out the once you do not want to have associated with the EAN location code. However, you will always try to first do a lookup on the Org.nr field to try to find the corresponding internal invoice customer no. If you instead want to use the EAN lokaliser.nr field, you can block the reading of the Org.nr field by selecting Läs Ej organisationsnummer vid input in the associate processing dialog.
Levereras aktörnr.
When writing an e-document and check box Använd EAN Lokaliseringsnummer is selected in the EDI-behandling field in the Företagsuppgifter table, the EAN lokaliser.nr field for the associate being delivered to EANDelAct can be found by adding the customer no. to the deliver customer number tag of the associate. If XML kompatibelt format is selected in the EDI-behandling field in the Företagsuppgifter table, the Ord_DelActNo tag will be used, if the XML kompatibelt format is not selected it will be the Ord.DelActNo tag.
Leverans till aktör är blockad
When reading an incoming e-document in the Visma XML format, a lookup is done on the EAN lokaliser.nr field to try to find the correct Delivery associate no. If you have serveral associates with the same EAN location code, you can block out the once you do not want to have associated with the EAN location code. However, you will always try to first do a lookup on the Org.nr field to try to find the corresponding internal Delivery associate no. If you instead want to use the EAN lokaliser.nr field, you can block the reading of the Org.nr field by selecting Läs Ej organisationsnummer vid input in the associate processing dialog.
When writing an e-document and check box Använd EAN Lokaliseringsnummer is selected in the EDI-behandling field in the Företagsuppgifter table, the EAN lokaliser.nr field for the supplier (EANSupNo) can be found by adding the supplier no. to the supplier number tag of the associate. If XML kompatibelt format is selected in the EDI-behandling field in the Företagsuppgifter table, the Ord_SupNo tag will be used, if the XML kompatibelt format is not selected it will be the Ord_SupNo tag.
Leverantören är spärrad
When reading an incoming e-document in the Visma XML format, a lookup is done on the EAN lokaliser.nr field to try to find the correct supplier no. in the internal system. If you have several associates with the same EAN location code, you can block out the once you do not want to have associated with the EAN location code. However, you will always try to first do a lookup on the Org.nr field to try to find the corresponding internal supplier no. If you instead want to use the EAN lokaliser.nr field, you can block the reading of the Org.nr field by selecting Läs Ej organisationsnummer vid input in the associate processing dialog.
Skickas till aktörnr.
When writing an e-document and check box Använd EAN Lokaliseringsnummer is selected in the EDI-behandling field in the Företagsuppgifter table, the EAN lokaliser.nr field for the associate being sendt to EANShpNo can be found by adding the associate no. to the sendt associate number tag of the associate. If XML kompatibelt format is selected in the EDI-behandling field in the Företagsuppgifter table, the Ord_ShpActNo tag will be used, if the XML kompatibelt format is not selected it will be the Ord.ShpActNo tag.
Sänd till aktör är blockerad
When reading an incoming e-document in the Visma XML format, a lookup is done on the EAN lokaliser.nr field to try to find the correct ship to associate no. If you have several associates with the same EAN location code, you can block out the once you do not want to have associated with the EAN location code. However, you will always try to first do a lookup on the Org.nr field to try to find the corresponding internal ship to associate no. If you instead want to use the EAN lokaliser.nr field, you can block the reading of the Org.nr field by selecting Läs Ej organisationsnummer vid input in the associate processing dialog.
Den här kryssrutan används för tillfället inte.
Länk till aktör är blockerad
Den här kryssrutan används för tillfället inte.
Kontaktpers.förnr. 2
Den här kryssrutan används för tillfället inte.
Kontaktperson 2 är spärrad
Den här kryssrutan används för tillfället inte.


Läs Ej organisationsnummer vid input
When reading an incoming e-document in the Visma XML format, a lookup is done on the Organisation no. to try to find the correct customer/supplier no. in the internal system. If you have several associates with the same Organisation no., you can block out the once you do not want to have associated with the organisation no. If all associate have option Läs Ej organisationsnummer vid input selected in the Aktör table, a second lookup will be done on the EAN location code.
Moms registrerat
The associate is in the VAT register. Will be updated automatically if qualified, when running the Uppdatera direkt från Visma Bizweb processing.


Läs Ej bankkonto vid betalningsförmedling
The accounts for payments are not read from the external system.

Extern behandling

Ej behörig att radera
The row can not be deleted, even if there are no transactions linked to the row. This check box is intended for use when another program has imported the data and you want to prevent the row being deleted by mistake.
Anm: There are no restrictions on who can select or deselect this check box.
Inaktiv i externt system
The associate is inactive in the external system.
Undanta från Visma Mobile
The associate is excluded from Visma Mobile Sales Order.
Undanta från Visma On Demand
The associate is excluded from Visma On Demand.
Undanta från Master Data Management
Automatiskt skapad
This setting is automatically selected when new associate is created from an incoming document.


Använd inte EAN för PartyIdentification
EAN lokaliser.nr field content will not be used for AutoInvoice PartyIdentification.
Ange operatörskod vid sändning av faktura
When set, the value in AutoInvoice operatörnr. is used for routing when invoices are sent through Visma.net AutoInvoice. In most cases, it is not recommended or necessary to specify an operator code for invoice, unless there are conflicting routes available in AutoInvoice (meaning it is possible to deliver through more than one external access point) and an override is required.
Anm: This setting is not required for B2C invoicing with operator code.

Visma Bizweb

Exkludera från massuppdatering
When selected, the associate will be excluded from update when running the Uppdatera direkt från Visma Bizweb processing.
Egenskap Värde Beskrivning
Visas som standard Ja Det här fältet visas som standard i tabellvyn.
Domän Aktörsbehandl. Heltal
SQL-namn ActPro Databasfältets namn.
Nummer 8474  

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